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OT: The christmas crunch


Oct 4, 2005
'twas the day before christmas and Boris was'nt paying attention
when he typed in the big program without any correction
The go button was pressed and the machine finally started
Boris looked at the machine, then yawned, and farted
"That looks ok" he thought to himself and turned up the rapid

The machine whirred some more and started to mill
and thought to itself "I'll give Boris a right frightful thrill"
It wound itself up to Z+50,
then went to move to X+250.
"I dont care my 4th axis is in the way,
I'll just hit the damn thing anyway"

Boris did look to see the thing go
At 32 meters a minute he thought 'Oh no"
He reached for the button you can never find quick
with a sensation in his stomach that made him feel quite sick

But then, just as the machine thought "I've smashed it"
A message flashed up "I've reached the X+ limit"
Boris looked to see the tool intact and wiped his brow from the fast forming sweat
When the boss walked past , glared and said "Have'nt you finished that job yet?"

Merry Christmas from olde englande :cheers:

Excellent!....my stomach dropped just readin' that.....I got over that feeling by gettin' pissed at yer boss........:D

Last night I had a job to set up at 10 pm. I was tired, had to change a bunch of fixture offsets manually, and was hearing that inner warning. I listened.

Today, the job is running nice, I will be working a bit on Christmas day to make up for last night but there was no crash......;)
Shameless 12 month bump for this one.


'Why do another Christmas poem when I did one last year?':sleepy:
Time to take this one out for its annual airing


Merry Christmas and may you have a swarf filled new year ;)
true story

We all (here) have the next week off.

It's 1:00 yesterday, the owner comes out, hands me a print for a 5 hour job, she says "I need this today", I reluctantly say "okay".
While I am looking at the print and figgerin' my figgers, I overlooked the fact that the order is for 4 not just 1.
So I finished my 10 second setup(not true) and looked again at the work order again, I said to myself "that is not f****** gonna happen, the owner thought my 10 second setup should compensate for the fact that it was the day before our big break. Lean. uhhhh.....no.

Merry Christmas guys
