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VMC placement near a water jet?


Hot Rolled
Feb 12, 2014
Need to move some machines around to make more room. One option is moving a VMC into the same building with a water jet. VMC would be approx 20ft from the jet. Can anyone comment what precautions should be taken or if it is like lighting the fuse on the VMC to be anywhere close to the jet? We had considered building almost an isolation room for the VMC inside the jet building, then cooling or venting the room somehow.
Need to move some machines around to make more room. One option is moving a VMC into the same building with a water jet. VMC would be approx 20ft from the jet. Can anyone comment what precautions should be taken or if it is like lighting the fuse on the VMC to be anywhere close to the jet? We had considered building almost an isolation room for the VMC inside the jet building, then cooling or venting the room somehow.

Moisture might cause problems. A wall and some ventilation could do a lot to help that.

I used a line of pallet racking and bolted up some sheets of OSB to keep junk from my welding/grinding area out of my machinery area.
It provides some isolation and a lot of storage for tools.

In your case, maybe a big sheet of poly-sheeting could be attached as a vapor barrier?
I would be concerned about the damp causing you issues down the road. A VMC is really not designed to work in a high humidity environment.
I would be more concerned with abrasive splash/spray from piercing operations and airborne abrasive particles that get put into the air from sweeping. Humidity could be a problem but ant VMC running water based flood coolant will get exposed directly to its own self. Not unusual for my CNC lathe to require 5 gallons of water/day in full auto mode. Yup, AC on in cool March to keep that small room from becoming a sauna.
We have a vmc about 20 feet from our water jet. Built 10 foot wall around 2 sides of it. I've only noticed 1 time that there was some sand that got sprayed onto the back of the machine. It seems to be fine otherwise. We didnt have much choice so thats where it has been for 5 years now.
I think our biggest concerns are the fine garnet sand we cannot see, if that is a concern? Typically we don't use garnet for our work but that will be changing next month.
I wouldn't worry about moisture; you run water based coolant in your machines, right? The only thing I'd be concerned about is if any abrasive got into moving parts. I'd expect curtain walls and ventilation would take care of that.
