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Problems sending programs to an FX-10 Wire with Quick Link


Oct 5, 2011
St. Louis, Mo
Having problems sending programs to the machine. We are trying to use a Product call Quick Link Q-DNC. We are getting an E 20 overun error and don't get the entire program into the machine. The Quick Link does work on the Lablond Makino but we are not sure of setting for the Mitsubishi. Thanks for any help. Cannot find any support on line.
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What do you have set for your I/O device?


We have it set for the RS32. Late last night we finally came up with "the" or "a" solution. We had to give more time between characters and learn when to hit the I/O on the machine and when to send the program from the computer. Guess it was more of a timing thing than a technical thing like we thought. As always I appreciate the come back.
Our shop tried the RS232 connection for uploading once, but upload speeds were awful and prone to load errors fairly often. Sounds like what you were going through. We just stuck to the 3.5" floppies after that. Most of the programs I write max out at 50Kb, so the floppies work like a champ, and are actually faster to load than what we had tried before.
