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The bluepirnt....


Mar 26, 2006
Sweet Home Tinley Park
I have been doing Gov. jobs all the time. Setting up, program, run the job out. On one of the print shows where a hole dims from to as "BSC". No one in the shop knows what the "BSC" stands for. Anyone know?

A WAG if it is a location would be the location dimension is BASIC. Meaning no tolerance on that particular dimension, and usually meaning the hole is given a "TRUE POSITION" tolerance instead. I.E, part of Geometrical Dimensioning and Tolerance or GMT or ASA Y 14.5.

BSC = "Basic." According to ANSI 14.5Y "basic" refers to the theoretical exact diminsion or feature location.

If your shop doesn't have I14.5Y handy to the production floor when Gummint jobs are in progress you're running a foot race with one foot trapped in a bucket. It's the standard that settles all arguements regardiing the true dimensioning and tolerancing control call-outs used in areospace and post 1979 Government contract manufacturing.
