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John Moses Browning born on this day Jan 23,1855

There's a fantastic History Channel documentary on the firearms Browning designed on youtube. John Browning became one of my idols after I watched it. Not necessarily because I am a gun nut, but because of his mechanical genius, absolute mastery of his craft, and the enormous contribution he had in helping to win the Second World War (as well as others, but primarily WWII).

"The Guns of Browning" Ep 12_ Tales of The GUN_ History Channel_ Full Documentary - YouTube

Here's another one that I just found:

American Gunmaker John Moses Browning documentary film - YouTube
And if you happen through Ogden these days, you can visit the John Browning firearms museum inside the old train station. Many of his original pieces are there.

Well who doesn't like pics to celebrate his belated birthday?

1919 browning built by John Mcguire
22 conversion, 1.5 yrs in making by belt-fed-plus aka Thomas Heim
Bolt conversion to semi auto again by Mcguire



How the belt feed works. There are adapters, clips at end of each pair of adapters, dummy cases that then fit into spring adapters in belt
