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Haas Animated Safety Video


Jul 6, 2016
I'm looking for the animated safety video to post up as screen savers in the school's CNC lab. It was all the yellow safety labels on the enclosure but animated and pretty effective at getting the point across. I have looked all of the place and cannot find them. Has anyone seen them as well and do you happen to remember where?????
Have to give Hass credit for good Videos some are on youtube.

Haas Animated Safety Video - Google Search

q=Haas+Animated+Safety+Video&rlz=1C1GNAM_enUS684US684&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=TnPmMIxCxBvhGM%253A%252CEde4fUDb_JgU6M%252C_&usg=__S6qhgaeRsZ2CHvgyGyVPiKKAO3s%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF-4Sah_HYAhWQ0YMKHTB_CZ0Q9QEIOzAA&biw=1600&bih=905#imgrc=TnPmMIxCxBvhGM:]Haas Animated Safety Video - Google Search[/url]
How to Command a Safe Tool Change Position to Avoid Fixtures and Rotaries – Haas Tip of the Day - YouTube
I thought it was in the tip of the day videos but I have not come across it yet.
It's an actual safety video from the yellow safety labels on the enclosure. The stick guy is animated and you watch his hand get wrapped up in the chip auger and so on.
