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Milling gear shift sensor malfunction


Apr 30, 2013
Hi i have 2 machines around the 2000 year with T Plus control. Does anyone know why if I do not use the set up key to open the door I get the milling gear shift sensor malfunction?
I had to guards off to see what was happening and when I don't turn the key to open the door the big gear which drives the mill drive and turret index slowly retracts from its position coming off the sensor? I'm thinking this could be a safety feature?
Yes it is a safety! Can you picture it? Lets say you have a life tool runing and you open the door without realizing you move forward to take a look at the part you machining and the fucking tool grabs you....it will cut the fuck out of you. Then you going to get a lawyer and try to sue everyone.
Is that one the newest one you have? Mazak/Mistsubishi may have updated software added some new safety stuff when they build it.
