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QT 30 T-Plus tailstock body programming help

Art Link

Jan 4, 2011
Hi everyone. I am turning a 1.25" bar (using the bar puller) to a bearing diameter @ 5.25 " L. I Face and c'drill, then pull it to have the tailstock come in.
Well, I need to program the tailstock body to go back so the puller will clear and come back to a set location. I am not sure how to utilize the m11 command.
Could somebody please explain this to me?

Got it! Just for the record, everything is set in the mnp. First the bar pull, turret up out of the way then m11, next line m31. Then right before cut-off mnp: m5,m11,m32.
The only thing is that I still have not located the bit position for [x3a]. Instead, I just physically looked at the dog/switch relationship, and collected the coordinate from the position screen, entered that number for goo z ....
And it works!
