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  • If your lathe has a 6tpi lead screw, then you need a 24tooth gear with a 1.375" O.D. & 1" dia. at the gullet of the gear. Gary P. Hansen
    Hi Gary,

    I see that you have made some threading gears and kits in the past. I have a 1945 LeBlond Regal 13 Inch lathe that is missing the threading dial option. I have been looking for one, but haven't found one yet. I wonder if it might not be too hard to make one. Do you know the correct gear?

    I think it might be a 1 inch 24T, but don't know the right angle. Would a straight gear work? Is it just a matter of making a fixture to hold the gear in position with a shaft connecting to a dial on the top?
    Yes they will fit a Sb9, 10K and 10L. I would have to check with the post office to see how much the shipping would be. tux ameik Gary P. Hansen
    Yes. I sell a thread dial kit. You can read all about it in the thread entitled "Thread Dial kits, any interest?" The kit will work with the 9N, 10K, 10L and other lathes that have a Acme 8 TPI lead screw. The kit consist of a hobbed thread dial gear, thread dial face, and a drawing that shows how to make the rest of the parts. The cost is $45.00 and includes shipping. My number is 231-946-6832 Thanks, Gary P. Hansen
    Hello Gary,
    I believe that I saw a reference somewhere that you sell SB Heavy 10 Thread Dial
    kits ? If that's so can you give me details on your kit ?
    Larry Swearingen
    Fort Wayne, IN
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