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  • How'd you guess??............Mom has a medical situation. I just returned from up there 2 weeks ago.............11 hrs of windshield time. AT least its not raining.
    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
    The owners of Practical Machinist - Largest Manufacturing Technology Forum on the Web reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
    I havn't posted anything vulger or against the law. etc.etc.
    So unless there are other rules for each category that i'm not seeing maybe you should point me in the right direction instead of being a jerk & just closing my thread. Thanks Howard
    If you have some time I wouldnt mind the help. I am starting today moving the easy stuff and next week I am going to start on the bigger stuff like machines. Thanks Kevin 405-8539
    Hi Tdmidget
    So as not to hyjack the oil leak thread, if you would like to see the picture of the M type MG midget that I mentioned, my Email is [email protected] If you make contact I will send the Photo.
    David C
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