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1986 Mazak QT10 T2 208 Alarm

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Dec 22, 2011
louisiana, usa
Hello to everyone,
Has anyone ever had to deal with a 208 alarm on a T2 vintage machine? I thought I was having some corrupt parameter issues a couple of weeks ago so I reinitialized the control per Mazak instructions 3 separate times and each time this alarm has come up. The alarm was not there before I reinstalled the parameters. I've talked to Mazak and Mitsubishi by phone and due to the age of the machine there's not much they can do. I've attached a picture of the diagnostic page with the alarm. Also as you can see there is several other alarms listed but no explanations. Talking to Mazak the thought was to clear the 208 alarm first which may clear the other alarms as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thank you in advance for your time.


  • Diagnostic page.jpg
    Diagnostic page.jpg
    4 MB · Views: 22
I thought it might help if I said why I thought I had corrupt parameters and what I have done since the 208 alarm popped up. About 2-3 weeks ago I turned on the machine and I noticed that my work light was on. Which is odd because I always have to manually turn it on when powering up the machine. I homed the machine out and noticed I couldn't turn the light off. Upon further inspection, I found out the coolant didn't work and I was totally shut out from the automatic functions of the machine all that worked was the manual side of the machine . As in opening/closing chuck turning on/off spindle . Forgot to mention no alarms were present at any time . I reseated all of the boards powered down for the day. Next day powered machine up no problems everything was normal machine ran great all day.
Next morning after the normal day of operation I powered up machine had a 22 NMI alarm and at that point I thought maybe the parameters was corrupt and reinitialized the control which leads me to the first post. I powered up the machine no 22NMI alarm came up just the 208 alarm . I have checked the 24volt power supply and the PD14C-1 power supply and both had the proper voltage. Thanks again for any help.
Sounds like some of your parameters are incorrect. Do you have the correct list for your machine? Make sure you're not leaving out any "hidden" parameters. (The 1131 trick on older Mazaks gets you in...)

I'm assuming you have one of the older live-tool machines, as those alarms pertain to that. Phil on here has a couple, he might could help with parameters.

I'm not sure you are supposed to see the asterisk's in the number strings on the right side of the screen there...?

You can reinitialize the control reliably by using a PC, and connecting directly to one of the control boards in the back. MEAU has the procedures for all the reinitialization methods.

Sometimes the reinitialization doesn't fully "take", but when you use a PC the control will fully reinitialize every time.

I'm assuming you have one of the older live-tool machines, as those alarms pertain to that. Phil on here has a couple, he might could help with parameters.
T-2 control is 2 axis lathe only. T-3 control is C-axis live milling like my machines. I think parameters are corrupt to throw that many alarms.
you have to ZERO your memory , not "reinitialize". MAzak should issue worldwide bulletin explaining why so many people around the Globe struggling with T2 controls.
First Thanks to all who have responded to the issues I'm having with the machine. I apologize for the late reply I was out of town most of Thursday and all day yesterday and unable to respond to all of you. To clarify my machine is a T2 not T3 I don't have live tooling just a 12 position turret . I attached a copy of the Mazak parameters as well as the 208 code explanation per my parameter and alarms book that came with the machine. I used Mazak service bulletin 0989-002 how to re-initialize a t2/3 control and 1288-009 change option parameters bulletin to install the parameters. The serial number on the last page of the parameters is my machine number. This isn't the first time I've had install parameters in the machine and I've used these parameters each time I've had to do it without issue. I've had to replace the FX727 and FX701C boards in the past since I bought the machine several years ago. The difference this time is after I follow the instructions on 0989-002 and reinstall the FX727 board into the machine, and power up the machine it shows on my position page as a three axis machine . After I reinstall the parameters turn off/on the machine the position page shows as a two axis machine with the 208 alarm. Also I do access the hidden parameter pages using 1131 and there is a ton of asterisks and weird numbers and blank spaces which I clear out and leave blank per Mazak instructions . Mazak told me these parameters was for T3 machines with live tooling and didn't pertain to my machine. So, after saying all of this is this possibly a board issue and if so which one (s). Tool Cat I'll call MEAU Monday about the computer download option and get the procedure. Also is it possible the FX784-8 and 9 cards are corrupted and need to be cleared/replaced if at all possible? Finally does any one have a list of what the individual OP1 thru OP16 are for. As I've said I've used the ones listed with no problem since I've owned the machine. Maybe something changed internally on the computer side of the machine. Thanks again for everyone' s help and please keep the comments coming
Brandonalarm explanation.jpgQT 10  T2 parameter page 1.jpgQT10  T2 parameter page  2.jpgQT10  T2 Parameter page 3.jpgQT10 T2 parameter page 4.jpg
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The FX784-8 and FX784-9 boards contain the Mazatrol software, and your programs. I'm pretty sure the FX727 is the main parameter board, and possibly the PLC?

You could have a FX727 from a 3-axis machine, or even a VMC?

I do know you have to make sure to get the 784-8 and-9 boards specific for a 2-axis machine. The boards should have a sticker(s) with "YT2", or "QT8" or similar. Any boards with "YMV" are for Mazak milling machines, "T3" would be live-tooled lathes.

(The FX701 is the main processor board, and like the others mentioned above, have been know to fail.)

ON EDIT: The OP parameters are option parameters. Possibly you are entering one that tells the machine it's a 3-axis? Or your replacement FX727 board is for a 3-axis machine?? (You can swap the microchips out on a bad board....if you know the chips are good, and it's the board that's bad.)

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This Alarm 208 not even in T2 QT machine ladder logic. QT has 207 alarm and next one is 22x or whatever. And the description is MAGAZINE PIN? It is gonna have to be parameters related issue. You probably have corrupted memory area where your T2 control sees your machine as Slant TURN. In that case all this makes sense, as slant turn has magazine and probably this "magic" pin.
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