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D1-3 Pins needed


Feb 12, 2020
I need a set of three pins to mount a new chuck to my 10ee. Does anyone have some to sell or recommend the best place to buy them?
Superbowl, there are several sources for these cam studs, but you need to know whether your chuck takes metric or inch threads on the studs.
That is, the "spindle nose" end of the studs are standard, but the "chuck end" of the studs might have either of two threads, depending on your chuck. Worse, there doesn't seem to be a standard for the metric thread pitch. (Cam studs with inch threads are better standardized.) Best to measure your chuck (or an existing set of pins that fit it) before ordering.
I checked Pratt-Burnerd prices ,and made my own for a Colchester Bantam ......600 wanted more for a few pins than I paid for the lathe........they are quite easy to make ,no great precision is needed,as the depth of the cam divot is easily adjusted by a turn of the mounting thread.
Check the ANSI standard if you decide to roll your own. The hook profile is not just an arc.

I never noticed that. I think most of mine are just a 3/4" radius but the ANSI spec has a flat leading in from the outside edge. Looks like it could be done with a 1.5" cutter fed in at the right angle (40 degrees from the axis).
