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Deckel Maho Changing axis!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ljupko
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Jul 27, 2018
Switch Y/Z MAHO 600 W TNC 425

Hello ! I have an DECKEL MAHO 600W with Heidenhain tnc 425 control.My problem is next.Machine is working normally when i start it i just want to change Y and Z axis. Beacuse when i move Y axis the machine (table) is going up and down , when i hit Z engine head is going foward and backward.I just wan to set it as Cartesian cordinate system.So if anyone know how to inverse this to whic parameter (MP) do i need to edit that will be very appriciated!
Your machine is working as it was built....
Maho set their axis moves as though the machine were a pure Horizontal....

So the "Z" is moving the vertical head (or horizontal slide) front to back....
And the "Y" is the table going up and down...

Not sure but think changing the orientation would require wiring changes...don't think this is a simple parameter thing.
Cheers Ross
Greetings! Machine Y and Z axis were working fine Y was moving vertical head and Z was table going up and down. I had some problems with parameters and I have to reset it. So as i reseted the parameters Y and Z was reseted too. They can be switched but i cant find how.
If it is working as Alpha suggests you are better off just wrapping your head around the axis rotation.

Make a "gun" with your left hand, stick your middle finger perpendicular to your index finger and stick your thumb straight up, those are regular X,Y,Z directions. Now roll your thumb back so it points back at you, index finger to the sky those are the new axis directions.
Well i need to switch Y and Z beacuse its easier to work with regular X Y Z directions !
If anyone will be interested in this topic. In documentation of my Deckel Maho DMU 60T I have found this page with instructions what needs to be changed when changins machine setup Y/Z axis.


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