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DRO Location


Aug 23, 2020
So I'm about to mount my DRO display on a knee mill (Tree 2UVR)and have a question as I am questioning myself to the location -

I always see them on the left side - Is there a reason for this? For me it seems that the right side would be best -however- they all seem to be on the left and I feel like I'm missing something... I would hope to not have one of those moments that someone walks up and go who is the blockhead that mounts this on the right because it should be on the left for this big reason....
I like my DRO no the right side. I usually stand slightly to the right, because that's where the power feed control is mounted. The task light is usually on the left...
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Never seen one with the DRO on the left, the operator stands to the right.


edit: This was a picture of a vertical mill when I uploaded it.
on a side note: dont trust the dro for the z-axis on an older knee mill. at least as its usually installed (out of the way). always come up from below for exact position and even then its no good for really precise work.
With manual downfeed the right side needs to be clear for your hands and handles to move. Eye level seems to be a popular height.
My dentist has a x-ray machine on a swing arm that swings into two opratories. It is mounted inside the shared wall with a cabinet door on each side to grab it and pull it into the room.
Bill D
I've always gotten confused as to whether or not RH or LH is relative to the operator facing the front of the machine or the machine's right or left.
Considering it that way the DRO on all mine have been to my
right and the machine's left.
I can't have a conversation about this without identifying which is being meant by right or left, maybe because of conversations about airplanes, one has to be sure which is being the discussed, the airplane's right or left or the mechanic looking at it from the front.
All the ones I've ever seen or used have been on the right, including a factory-new one preinstalled.

Right handed, DRO on the right. Left handed, DRO on the left.

EDIT: On the right of the machine as seen from the operator's position. ...Unless you're weird and like to give your machines reach-arounds from behind, lol. Then it would be the left in that context.
I think pretty much everyone here will be referring to the right hand side as they are facing the machine, standing in front of the 'y' axis handle.
If you're standing in front of the machine, DROs are normally on the right hand side of a milling machine. IF it's a manual lathe, it's common to have it on the left hand side, above the headstock. I guess you could also have it somewhere like on the carriage if it's a really big lathe - i don't know if the constant flex of the cables would be an issue, though.
Yes, the smaller lathe DRO displays are usually on the headstock, larger lathes generally have the DRO display on the carriage. The larger machines usually have a flex track that carries the cables so they don't get tangled with chips or dumped in the coolant tray, etc.
Yes, the smaller lathe DRO displays are usually on the headstock, larger lathes generally have the DRO display on the carriage. The larger machines usually have a flex track that carries the cables so they don't get tangled with chips or dumped in the coolant tray, etc.

Yeah, I've definitely seen them mounted on the carriage on big lathes - I wonder how much of an issue it is for the cables to be constantly moving. I don't guess it's too terrible - I mean, the wires to the scale on the carriage is going to flex just the same, but on a big lathe where you're talking about traveling feet per cut, versus inches...

I dunno. I don't even have the floor space for a big lathe, right now. lol
