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Hurco VM10i coolant pump replacement


May 10, 2023

Was wondering if you can help me out on choosing the correct coolant pump to replace on our recently purchased used Hurco CNC Mill.

We currently have a pump on the machine that is a Walrus TPAK4-18 (1/2 HP / 1.9AMP / 40 GPM / 20 PSI / 3/4 NPT outlet). We are finding that it has very low pressure. We bought a coolant ring to mount on the spindle thinking the smaller nozzle's on the ring would help with the pressure but of coarse it didn't. So that why I started to look deeper into changing the pump. I contacted Hurco to see what coolant pump they use in their new builds and what was used on our year build and they said it was a Walrus TPHK2T4-3 (1./2 HP / 3.0 AMP / 40 PSI / 18 GPM / 3/4 NPT outlet). That made me believe that the previous owner must of changed the pump for some reason.

One of the things that puzzles me is the Hurco recommendation of 18 GPM is much lower than what is on it now of 40 GPM. Does the GPM matter as much as the PSI? What other specs are needed to determine the correct pump to use?

I've been doing some research and have come up with a couple of pumps that might work.
Walrus TPHK4T3-3 (3/4 HP / 4.2 AMP / 55 PSI / 40 GPM / 3/4 NPT outlet) or Walrus TPHK4T3-2 (1/2 HP / 3.6 AMP / 40 PSI / 40 GPM / 3/4 NPT)
I know I would need to probably change the overload switch to accommodate the new pump which is not an issue. I just want to choose the right pump for our application.

Was wondering if anybody has some good knowledge on coolant pumps and can help me out. Please let me know if any of these pumps will work or if you have any other recommendations.

Thank you
Any brand of multistage pump will push out the coolant. You need pressure AND volume.
If it is a single 3/4" nozzle fed from a 1" hose, volume is more important.
If it is (8) 1/4" nozzles fed from a 1/2" line, you need pressure.

If you are in North America, I would recommend Gusher pumps. We used to retro-fit them in the CNC lathes we sold to aerospace shops. They ran the heavy black oil and they could flow that with no issues. We used 3-stage with 1.5HP pumps

Grundfos is also excellent. But more price.
1683817299601.png This photo is a 4-stage pump.
Multi stage gets you the pressure. 250 ft of head pressure ( 110 psi ) is the maximum unless you have special coolant lines.
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Thanks for the response.
On the coolant ring the nozzles are (8) 3/16". What model number should I be looking for on the Gusher pumps?
As a guideline the motor HP will indicate the better pumps, along with the design.
Walrus pumps do not even show the output chart on the USA website.

Our Mazak verticals have massive multi-stage Grundfos pumps ( 4HP )
They would quickly drain out the small tank of your machine.
But a 1.5 or 1.0 HP should be fine if the tank is kept topped up.
( it takes time for the coolant to drain back, foam does not pump well )

Using the charts...

The MS4-3-150 ( 150 Feet of head pressure max ) will feed..
@20 GPM 105 Ft ( 45 psi ), @30 GPM 32Ft ( 13 psi )

So ( 8 ) 1/4" nozzles will be maxing out the flow. ( you will not get maximum spray velocity )
But ( 3 ) 1/4" nozzles will be in the good range ( should be around 80 ft )

The question is can you fit a MS-4-3-150 on your tank? It is not small.


Your welcome.
On the mounting style, Those pumps heads are designed to be immersed. They will not draw up more than a few inches unless there is a ability to 'prime' them.
