All of the electrical was loose, the backgauge is assembled from incorrect parts with hand drilled and manual machined spacer blocks that don't meet the specified travel, the ram hits the covers, the hydraulic valves were sticking, it shipped with a hydraulic leak, the lights on the ram don't work, the upper and lower tool holders were misaligned and loose, the hydraulic tank is improperly formed and filled in with bondo which doesn't hold up to hydraulic fluid, the backgauge cover was both overbent and too long and clearly cut after paint with a cutoff wheel, the backgauge bolts in the linear bearing blocks are stripped, the end stops were incorrect and resulted in crashes, the Z axis motor fell off (we have that on video), the proximity sensors weren't gapped correctly, the backgauge does not meet travel or accuracy or even travel speed, by a long margin, the software it comes with does not meet expectations, resonance on the lazersafe Iris mounts resulted in a mirror falling off internally, the Iris system isn't properly integrated and does not do the automatic bend correction it is supposed to, the brake doesn't hit the tonnage it's supposed to, it didn't ship with the panel cooler it was supposed to, a linear scale cable had a poorly wired connector which screwed with us for a long time, and a few other things I forget at the moment.