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Looking for good Fusion 360 posts for a Brother Speedio

@DavidScott I got it to work, but there was so much trial and error I don't think I could tell you how to do it with any certainty!
My initial attempt was to put the M1. on the first G65 P8### touch or protected move line and M2. on the last line. Unfortunately the logic and variables required to figure out if the line was the first, middle or last of X number of probe operations was too convoluted for me to figure out...
Instead I made an adjustment based on my Haas post where I added a G65 P8708 M1. (turn probe on) before, and a G65 P8708 M2. (turn probe off) after all my probing operations. Then I appended M3.s on every existing P8# line the post already generates. Not sure why but it also adds a linear feed line to the program, not sure why but it doesn't matter for my application.

It might not be as "elegant" as my first attempt but it seems to work. As the saying goes "If its stupid and it works, its not stupid!"

I have been working on the Brother post for autodesk for the last few months and I have the results up on github here:

* https://github.com/ewildgoose/fusion-360-post-processors

I'm not sure everyone is familiar with github, so some tips:
You can see all the changes, step by step, since it left being identical to the autodesk post here:
* https://github.com/ewildgoose/fusion-360-post-processors/commits/main

You can see the same step by step changes on the autodesk upstream post here (useful to understand how it changed):
* https://github.com/ewildgoose/fusion-360-post-processors/commits/autodesk

You can download it by clicking into the file, then clicking the button which says "raw" above the file data. This takes you here:

Lots of changes, I think the changelist highlights most of them well. However, if you aren't using this post above, beware that the upstream autodesk post has significant bugs with Blum probing, and also smoothing is "off by one" in some cases, ie you ask for roughing and you get medium roughing (or perhaps it the other way around?).
That sounds interesting. When you get it figured out please post what you find here.
Can I swipe the Haas probing cycles and shove them into the Fadal HS-88 control???
They are far more elegant than what is in my Fadal.
I have the Haas TM-2 and find the probing cycles very practical and easy to work with.
