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Matsuura mc500v2 random th error alarm


Jun 12, 2022
83 matsuura mc500v2 mx2 yasnac control
I been getting my machine all dialed in a figuring out the features and what not and I finally got to let some cnc chips fly with the thing, and its awesome!! Thing is a total tank and the tool changes on its own is awesome.
Only issue is I seem to get this 010 tape horizontal alarm randomly in my program
The specific conditions are im drip feeding using tape mode on the control
The machine baud rate is set to 9600 with 2 stop bits was in the parameters so I made it match on the micro dnc
Only works when the format on the dnc is set to acsii
The first time I had the error I made it to line 10165. Reset and run the job again to see if the problem was going to repeat in the same spot. Errored out again with the same tape horizontal alarm around line 10800 ish . Both areas in the code at that point are just x y coordinates so its not a crazy variable or anything. A guy has to assume something isn't quite right between the control and my dnc, but honestly I'm not sure where to start on this problem. I talked to somebody who mentioned potential problems handshaking in the software but he thought my problem was a little different than his. I want to try running a program from memory. I haven't messed with anything memory related yet so I can't say if that makes a difference. I'm still super novice understanding the whole control and everything but I'm miles ahead of where I was when I got it. Many more miles to go lol
Have you tried using lower baud rates?
I'd try a different computer for troubleshooting to eliminate the possibility of the serial driver going into a 'low priority' mode that some laptops do when the device is not active for a certain period of time.
I honestly hadn't tried anything yet just because I wasn't 100 percent sure it's what I thought it was.
I will set a lower baud rate between the two devices tomorrow and check back.
I'm feeding from USB-through the dnc box if that matters
So in my parameter manual
6021 d5
1 executes on/off control of rts during dnc operation
0 sets rts state to on during dnc operation
6022 d0
1 enables read of iso tape possible even without parity
0disables read of is tape without parity
6026/6027 d5
1 does not allow the control code (dc1-4) to be used on the i/o device
0 allows the control code (dc1-4) to be used on the i/o device
6029 d5
1 does not use control codes (dc1-4)
0 uses control codes (dc1-4)
Are these what's being talked about with the handshaking?
Current machine parameters
6021 d5 0
6022 d0 0
6026 d5 0
6027 d5 1
6029 d5 0
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Yes those are the parameters for handshaking on a Yasnac MX2 or MX3 control. To use harware handshaking your communication cable must be configured for that as well as your DNc software settings. Post your cable pinout on each end so we can see what you have.
Ok so I checked out the baud rate suggestion and switched everything over from 9600 baud rate and 2 stop bits to 4800 baud rate and 1 stop bit and the thing is running great. I put an hour of cnc cutting time on it with zero errors. I was previously only getting like 30 percent of the program before getting a error. I have some bigger programs planned coming up. Probably see if it runs longer programs fine and see if this needs further addressed
Since it is working at a lower transfer speed, is a strong indicator that software handshaking is not adequate for higher transfer speeds. The problem with slow transfer speeds is you can starve the control for data when movements are small. When I drip feed some programs with very small moves, at ~25IPM the machine will often complete the move before the next move has been transferred. this results in tiny dwells in the motion and the surface finish is affected. I'm running 9600 baud.
Since it is working at a lower transfer speed, is a strong indicator that software handshaking is not adequate for higher transfer speeds. The problem with slow transfer speeds is you can starve the control for data when movements are small. When I drip feed some programs with very small moves, at ~25IPM the machine will often complete the move before the next move has been transferred. this results in tiny dwells in the motion and the surface finish is affected. I'm running 9600 baud.
So I'm looking for the machine pinout in the manuals and I haven't seen much yet. Is this something I just need to peek in and see what pins are being used and then post the schematic that came with my dnc device?
The diagram needed is your cable. The machine end will be a 25 pin D-sub and the PC or other device will typically be a 9 pin D-sub but some older devices might have a 25 pin. Need to know what wires connect to which pins on both ends.
The diagram needed is your cable. The machine end will be a 25 pin D-sub and the PC or other device will typically be a 9 pin D-sub but some older devices might have a 25 pin. Need to know what wires connect to which pins on both ends.
This is the cable I used and dnc device. I'll try to swing by the shop today and ohm out the cable and figure out the exact configuration of my cable.


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As of MX2/MX3 9600 is bleeding edge redline baud rate. It does not work reliably, whatever you do. It is not hardware vs software flow control. Older controls are too slow to reliably decode 9600 baud rate. Stick with 4800.
