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NOTICE - Practical Machinist down Mon. May 16 for 24 hours for forum software upgrade

Does that include an increase in max user connections?
Observation: I miss the "Advanced" ability (don't need emojis but liked the options available). What is really missing is the ability to return to continue to complete an in-process post after clicking the new "Preview" button.
I have been urged to participate more often, but today I had to save two different replies to MsWord so I can complete them offline and eventually paste them back into PM. This is not conducive to member participation.
Let us edit and refine our posts "on-site" so we can offer our best response.
Please fix.
Bud Guitrau
Update: Today, when posting a reply, the "Preview" feature was not visible for review before posting.
Also, the "Attach File" does not work. Please revisit your update.
