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Schaublin 125-CNC retrofit:

A few people have pointed me in the direction of QElectroTech, as free software for wiring schematics. I am still on the steep part of the learning curve, but it is way better than the ways I have drawn then in the past.

The result of the castings looks very good to me. Now this is just a plate but now you can also make a new steady for your 125 where casting is almost a need.

To bad of the crash. On my CNC I do have a potmeter knob for both feed and rapids , when running a new program or tool I start with both on zero and let the machine go slowly first to see settings are OK. Saved me quit a few times , I rarely have a real crash, like once every couple of years.
I have a feedrate override encoder, and was even on it. The chain of errors...

1/ forgot to put Z increments in the CAM.
2/ Had to stop program
3/ added the Z increments, reposted the code
4/ since the first half of the program was already done, I deleted up to the start of the feature I needed. I remember that nagging inner voice at the time wondering whether I should leave the tool change header in.
5/ Since the tool was already in the spindle, deleted tool change header.
6/ forgot to check tool length offset (not set as G43 was in the deleted header)
7/ used feed rate override on tool approach, but failed to notice that the M1 conditional stop 50mm above the part was missing
8/ got out of the habit of monitoring DTG.
9/ I thought I had the feedrate right down, but when I glanced up at the DRO, it went in.
10/ I E-Stopped, but it beat me too it with a following error.

Root cause:
Not using the maho much in the last year, the work flow I had learned; when to pause, when to slow down feedrate, when to look at DTG, and when to check tool length offset became unlearned.

Corrective action:
Use it more.
Laminate a little checklist and hang it on the controller, so if I do get out of practice again, I can remind myself of these points quickly.
I watched your last video, tried to post a comment on YouTube, no luck?
Cannot help with the sensors, but the vise jaws look like they are for a Gerardi modular vise?

