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The US sanctions impacting the Chinese chip industry

Well, watch this space; it might be returning

Detroit will never-ever return to the position it once held regarding auto production......
But one thing mentioned, the very busy Ambassador Bridge, sure helped make a man and his family, Matty Maroun (1927-2020) BILLIONAIRES. Everyone recognizes the name Ford, but not so much Maroun.
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Detroit will never-ever return to the position it once held regarding auto production......
But one thing mentioned, the very busy Ambassador Bridge, helped make a man and his family, Matty Maroun (1927-2020) BILLIONAIRES.
Not sure. The US may become the leader again in transportation manufacturing just because globalization is slipping away.
Not sure. The US may become the leader again in transportation manufacturing just because globalization is slipping away.
Not unless you get a complete change in mindset you won't, because trying to maximise profit at the expense of everything else leads to producing just barely adequate stuff at a premium price. You need to ditch the thinking that leads to the cant of shareholder value being most important thing and that leaving money on the table is a crime against nature.

And you won't.

Note that I'm not saying that anyone should make things at a loss, just the pursuit of profit over quality has gotten you to where you are today. If I want decent quality these days I buy European or Japanese. You guys don't even get on the list.

Not unless you get a complete change in mindset you won't, because trying to maximise profit at the expense of everything else leads to producing just barely adequate stuff at a premium price. You need to ditch the thinking that leads to the cant of shareholder value being most important thing and that leaving money on the table is a crime against nature.

And you won't.

Note that I'm not saying that anyone should make things at a loss, just the pursuit of profit over quality has gotten you to where you are today. If I want decent quality these days I buy European or Japanese. You guys don't even get on the list.

Did you type that on an Adler Standard typewriter? I would say whatever you used has a massive amount of American design.
Adler was a German company, but they had American designers?

Of course ! Everyone knows that only Americans can design or make anything ! The rest of the world is just a bunch of losers, can't even build garbage bags ! Why, I read a story in Reader's Digest once which proved conclusively that Zulus couldn't even raise cattle without US help !

Skip has lost the plot, I am afraid :(
Of course ! Everyone knows that only Americans can design or make anything ! The rest of the world is just a bunch of losers, can't even build garbage bags ! Why, I read a story in Reader's Digest once which proved conclusively that Zulus couldn't even raise cattle without US help !

Skip has lost the plot, I am afraid :(

Well....sort of sticking to the "sanctions, chips, and China" topic it seems maybe the U.S. still has some issues regarding supply chain.
Reports are Ford is still parking incomplete trucks by the thousands, one report says 40,000, while GM which had up to 95,000 parked due to the chip shortage has that whittled down to 20,000 vehicles.
Yeah.....The U.S. automakers certainly is showing everyone how it's done. Might as well pull the plug on IC powered vehicles and roll right into EVs at this point.
Well....sort of sticking to the "sanctions, chips, and China" topic it seems maybe the U.S. still has some issues regarding supply chain.
Reports are Ford is still parking incomplete trucks by the thousands, one report says 40,000, while GM which had up to 95,000 parked due to the chip shortage has that whittled down to 20,000 vehicles.
Yeah.....The U.S. automakers certainly is showing everyone how it's done. Might as well pull the plug on IC powered vehicles and roll right into EVs at this point.
Well, it is a bit complicated...The car industry uses components that were designed quite a few years ago using chips that are kinda not very profitable to manufacture if quantities are low. So chip foundries were retooled to make profitable chips when demand for older chips dropped in 2020 and 2021. Returning to the lower-profit chips is a tug-of-war between chip makers and car makers. The chip makers are trying to force car companies and their suppliers to redesign the components with newer, more profitable chips, but the car companies are not budging. We will see who wins.
Well, it is a bit complicated...The car industry uses components that were designed quite a few years ago using chips that are kinda not very profitable to manufacture if quantities are low. So chip foundries were retooled to make profitable chips when demand for older chips dropped in 2020 and 2021. Returning to the lower-profit chips is a tug-of-war between chip makers and car makers. The chip makers are trying to force car companies and their suppliers to redesign the components with newer, more profitable chips, but the car companies are not budging. We will see who wins.

It's not that complicated if you've been in the auto industry for very long... Auto OEMs beat everyone up on price, and because everything requires a dedicated tool for PPAP, anything and everything is custom to some extent. The resistance to redesign is another auto OEM thing, often they just want the same shit in a newer, shinier bag. More importantly, OEMs also refuse to make any changes on current programs due to the expense of component and system-level testing. Historically they get away with all of this because the production volumes are good, but this chip thing seems to me the first real effort for a portion of the tier system to push back instead of bending over.
Well, it is a bit complicated...The car industry uses components that were designed quite a few years ago using chips that are kinda not very profitable to manufacture if quantities are low.

Wow, that makes this program a real world-beater ! What we want to do is make low-profit antiquated ic's in the US, where costs are low ! Let's put a couple hundred billion into this ! What we lose on each part we'll make up in volume !

DC, do you actually think about any of what you are saying ? None of this reflects the real world. If you've taken up dropping acid, I'd suggest music rather than economics for the next twelve hours.
Wow, that makes this program a real world-beater ! What we want to do is make low-profit antiquated ic's in the US, where costs are low ! Let's put a couple hundred billion into this ! What we lose on each part we'll make up in volume !

DC, do you actually think about any of what you are saying ? None of this reflects the real world. If you've taken up dropping acid, I'd suggest music rather than economics for the next twelve hours.

Having a nice Tuesday, are we?
"You need to ditch the thinking that leads to the cant of shareholder value being most important thing ..." (PDW)

Nope, he does not need to do that. Nobody cares what *he* thinks, but face facts: corporations have ONE job and ONE job ONLY: to produce ROI for shareholders. That's it, game set match.

The quicker one starts to analyze corporate behavior in light of this concept, the quicker their behavior becomes transparent to the observer. Now I make no value judgement about this (that's left as an exercise for the usual inhabitants here) and obviously that behavior has lead to some collosal fubars in the corporate world. But they do it, will keep doing it, and will always do it. Short-term ROI is always the shiniest trinket for CEOs. They just GOTTA have it.
Wow, that makes this program a real world-beater ! What we want to do is make low-profit antiquated ic's in the US, where costs are low ! Let's put a couple hundred billion into this ! What we lose on each part we'll make up in volume !

DC, do you actually think about any of what you are saying ? None of this reflects the real world. If you've taken up dropping acid, I'd suggest music rather than economics for the next twelve hours.
Are you here to troll without reading? Where did I say we need to put billions into fabs in the US making old chips? I said the car industry has a problem because they insist on using chips that chip makers do not want to retool to make in volumes. It is not worth putting billions into new fabs to make old chips. The suppliers are trying to arm-wrestle the OEMs to redesign their crap. The consumers would benefit from it, but it eats into the carmaker's profits. There is no shortage of chips for new designs because they can be made profitably. And the volume of the old chips would not make up for the profit difference. And we are not talking about basic chips like gates and counters, we are talking about microcontrollers, converters, etc. The car industry is using chips one or two generations out of the mainstream. The fabs where this is a current problem are in the Philipines and Malaysia; they want to move up the food chain.
I am pretty sure the boards themselves are done on the mainland. More labor, less tech.
The chipsets however are either from Taiwan, Malaysia, Ireland, S Korea or USA.
Majority of the chips are made in Taiwan. And almost all the advanced chips are produced here as well.
Besides chips, Taiwanese business man are running away from China as fast as they can.
We might get the "made in india" iPhone in a very near future.
Besides chips, Taiwanese business man are running away from China as fast as they can.

Some of them, for sure. Especially the shyster real estate developers. My favorite was the dirty old geezer who set up a former Miss Taiwan in a gloriously worthless 'development' business. After a year or two of going through cash like a moose pees, he told her to drop her top if she wanted more money. She wouldn't, so the company closed up and ran away in the middle of the night, leaving a dozen people high and dry. Nice, you taiwanese. Upstanding. Ethical. Smart.

None of the real companies I know are planning to leave. They have actual investments and work to be done in the mother country.

We might get the "made in india" iPhone in a very near future.
Sure, and it'll work out about as well as the Harley project did. India sucks. Peddle this nonsense all you like, it flies in the face of reality. But don't let that stop you.
Why do you say this? The same was said about Japan and then China.

HIstory. Japan was a disaster but got its act together and makes good stuff, seems to be an okay society. China was a disaster, got its act together and has come an unbelievable distance in just fifty years. But India has had several opportunites and doesn't seem to have gone anywhere.

I'm not trying to say they couldn't but there seems to be something there that prevents it. For example, the recent Harley thing ... and about a thousand examples before that. I wouldn't bet on India becoming a world manufacturing powerhouse, at least not in our lifetime.
India is mired in semi official corruption,and there is no Chairman Xi to fight it........The place for electronics is Vietnam ,thats where your phones will come from 10 years from now.
