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Reverse web searches - maybe google

Are you trying to find out what key words people search to reach your site? If you give us some more details you will get more information
Sorry. at one point, I seem to remember hearing of a way to look at what people search for the most on the net. Sometimes Yahoo will list some of the most commonly searched words. This does not pertain to our website at all. Just a way to see what people are searching for these days.
Not what you are asking about but if you have a phone number you can do a reverse look up and if it's published you can find out name and address. I use anywho.com comes in handy now and then.
Thanks. I also found one similar at google. Problem is I really want to see maybe the top 2-300 searches. Seems most just show the top 10-20 of them.

Let me know if you find any others guys. THANKS!
You add this feature to your Google toolbar at the top of your brower and then you have a "backward links" icon to click that will automatically give backward links to whatever page you are on at the time. I have it on mine, can't remember now how I got it there !
Google Trends

Google Trends will show you the top 100 searches and it updates dynamically (almost).

Go to http://www.google.com/trends

The main page shows the top 10. After the 10th one is a link that says 'More Trends. Clcik it to see the top 100
