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Personal Tool Designs, Systems, or Modifcations


Feb 23, 2016
Houston, TX
This will be a "sticky".

Did you design and build your own tool post ? If you did, and have a thread anywhere in the Practical Machinist forums, post a link here.

Don't write it up here. Create the thread wherever seems appropriate. Post the link here.

This goes for any tool design, system, mod etc that would seem appropriate.

A print would be nice, not a deal breaker. Should be pic heavy, and some details and thoughts behind it.

Besides showing off ones design and work, the idea is to generate creative thinking. So some thoughts and reasoning please.

Again, I have a life, so be patient with me :D. I will sort and sub divide in some sort of category system as we go. This particularly sticky will probably be long developing, so have patience.
..have a thread anywhere in the Practical Machinist forums, post a link here.

Don't write it up here. Create the thread wherever seems appropriate. Post the link here.

GREAT idea!

PM has some nice ones, already. Fast-retract for easier single-point threading control, for example.

AND. as time passes, absent a sticky with "links", we have a harder and harder time FINDING what is already there but now gone many years old.

Good on yah!
