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Ikegai ax25z 10T Fanuc control need parameters

big E smfa

Aug 25, 2007
I Ikegai ax25z 10t fanuc. Poweroutage blew fuse in charger for battery backup. Lost machine parameters didnt have backups. Used machine from ebay didnt get parameters.Need help,searched no luck. Machine needs to run. Anyhelp willing to pay.
I have the parameters for a 15 of the same year with the same control. I also have the timers, data tables and keep relay setting sheets that you will undoubtedly need as well. I went through the same exercise that you need to and had to reload everything. I erased mine by turning on parameters that weren't originally turned on, if you know what I mean. I can copy the info for you if you would like to try it, I doubt that there would be too many differences and you could probably figure out any that weren't right, such as machine stroke limits etc. There is a ritual that you have to go through to load them into a dead control because DNC won't work due to the lack of communication parameters, I also have the information for that procedure. Let me know if you would like to proceed.

Glenn @ Metro North.
ax25z with 10t control

Maybe you and i can work this out. Same year lathe how!IF give info geatly appreciated would pay.Zstandsfor wHATStarting new machine need help. JUst need machine to run. Need help do you need anything? email [email protected]
It seems that having Brain Dead Ikegai AX15Z lathes is the latest thing. I am in the same position of no one checking the battery replacement date before the power was irrevocably cut. AND>>>>No record anywhere of parameters. OOPS!!
So now what was not going to be a problem is now my problem.
If one of you fine gents would please give me a shout and lend a hand with the restoration of the machine to functional status I would be deeply in your debt.

Old Iron

[email protected]
