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Centroid M400 ATC has a mind of its own


May 11, 2008
This morning the ATC on my Atrium Maximill started running backwards mid cycle. I always park my machine with tool #16 in the spindle (No tool in 16). Today I started the machine and the first tool in the cycle is #11. The ATC grabbed tool #11 as it should. The next tool to call up was tool #1, instead it grabbed tool #5. Luckily for me there was no tool in pocket #5.
Anyway I initialized the tool changer to #1 and MDI tool #2 and it went backwards to #16. Restarted and initialized again and the same problem. Any thoughts?
They do have a forum slot on that 'other site' (zonecnc) and reply pretty quickly (or used too). They also have an online forum on their website you can request help. It seems confuse on where it is in the cycle. No clue how the system 'acks' the movement (counts with acknowledgment that it moved) Prox sensor, some contact thing, etc. I guess you'll know soon enough huh. ;-)
