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Charmilles Roboform 40 E702 "C move not compatible"


Oct 4, 2018
Ive been working on getting a Roboform 40 fixed up at our shop but I can't seem to get it to keep from throwing random alarms. After I disconnected all the boards on the CNC rack and let it sit for a day, they all disappeared. I was able to load an SPS program in and go to town on a test part using spin. So I shut it down before leaving after it was done with the cut and came back in the next day, did an AREF to home it out except this time it didn't want to home out. It gave me an E672 which is missing reference for one axis. I went to the references page and found did all the references manually except C didn't want to move. It said E702 C move incompatible. So something is up with the C axis, I just don't know what. No matter which button I push or what I do I cannot get it to move. GFMS suggested I try an AUX 13 or 14 to disable the C axis brake but it still gives the same error. I told them it didn't work and I haven't gotten an email back yet. Phone service is spotty in this room I'm in.

Anybody had all of this happen? Im at a loss at this point.
