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Fanuc 31i Change split screen to single or decrease font size?


Mar 2, 2014
Hondo, TX
In the program mode or edit, the screen is split into two. Can I change this to a single screen or can I decrease the font size/zoom?

I have some operational instructions at top of program that are difficult to read because of wrapping. I want to get away from having to have separate documents that require their own control system.

2nd question, is there a Fanuc add-on that would allow showing of pictures and operation instructions? iHMI or Picture, not real clear on what either of these are? My previous Huffman grinders are fanuc controls on a PC and have a Huffman product called Camscript where I could basically write a short HMI routine with pictures, dialog boxes for entering in data and performing trig functions, really wonderful tool and I would like something similar.
