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Fanuc RoboDrill iHMI screenshot


Oct 27, 2011
Champaign, Illinois
I'm trying to make some training docs, does anyone know how to do a proper screenshot using the newer HMI interface? I can take regular shots but they're just of the grey fanuc menus.

Thanks in advance!
Given this thread is a couple months old, I don't know if you found your answer elsewhere. If not, there's a new key shortcut that calls up Fanuc's new iHMI screenshot interface. On the screen you want to capture, hold Shift and press S1 and it should bring up the screenshot interface. Here you'll see a preview of what will be saved as a screenshot and two fields, one for the directory to save to, the other the file name. Tap into the directory field and a Reference soft key will appear. Tap that button and select your storage device. You can change the save name in the other field, it will default to 'image0001.bmp' and will automatically increment up with every new screenshot to the same device. Once you're satisfied, press the Save soft key and the message 'Export successful' will display. To get out of that screen, repeat the Shift S1 button combo. Hope this helps!
