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Mazak Mazotrol Nexus 2 quick turn.


Nov 1, 2019
I've been programming for almost 10 years now, but I'm new to Mazotrol. When I program I finish diameters before faces (personal preference) Now mazotrol forces you to use negative tool pressure when finishing if you program for multiple diameters. Is there any way to program so if backs out of a corner before doing a rapid move to the next diameter?
I've been programming for almost 10 years now, but I'm new to Mazotrol. When I program I finish diameters before faces (personal preference) Now mazotrol forces you to use negative tool pressure when finishing if you program for multiple diameters. Is there any way to program so if backs out of a corner before doing a rapid move to the next diameter?

It would take a LOT of extra programming to do it that way and is really not needed for 99% of the things I have come across and I've been running Mazatrol for 24 years now.

Sounds like your "personal preferences" and the way Mazatrol cuts the part are going to be at odds with each other.
I've been running Mazak even longer than Philabuster and have no clue what 'negative tool pressure' is . . . don't touch the part?

I believe he is talking about when the tool is backturning the faces on the finish pass. Finishing from smallest diameter to largest diameter with BAR OUT process.
