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Mori SV503 tool pot up


Dec 29, 2006
Central Ky
New to me mill, took too long swapping tools and ended up with a "too much time" alarm and now I have a tool in pot, down, and cannot figure out how to get it back up. My other mills use an M code for pot up, but I cannot find that code for this machine and nothing else I have tried has worked. Seems like such a simple thing but when you don't know, you don't know
Depends on the MTB of the machine as to what the M code is. It won't be a Fanuc code or whatever control you have it will be a Mori code. That's been my experience anyways.
For example on our Hyundai Kia, I think the code is M52/M53?
Not the same but.
If I happen to press reset before the empty tool pot is back in position it alarms.
I call a different tool and its back to normal and reset to clear alarm.
Kitamura Fanuc 16i

Hope yours is as simple.
