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New test post, please ignore - edited for Ox


Jul 6, 2006
Hillsboro, New Hampshire
New test post, please ignore - edited for Ox and again at 3:25pm

Just trying to confirm whether I can edit the title.

Edit - seems so...

Edit-edit - Oops, I did it again...

Edit-edit-edit - but this time it didn't propagate to the main title, so the time available is indeed less than what one has for editing the body text.
Used to be that didn't work, from what I remember it would show up corrected once the thread was open, but would always show the original spelling mistakes/wrong title on the main forum page. Haven't tried it in a while though.
Used to be that didn't work, from what I remember it would show up corrected once the thread was open, but would always show the original spelling mistakes/wrong title on the main forum page. Haven't tried it in a while though.

The edit capability must have been fixed, looks correct everywhere.
So you added the "edited for Ox" to the title after you posted this thread?

Never was able to do that before. Cool!

Ah, it might have a timer.
I never liked not being able to edit posts at all after what's it now 24hr or something. Some forums always allow it to be modified anytime.
Although even more annoying is the number of times I go to click on a thread only for an add to pop and make me click on the wrong thing, every time!!!
