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Okuma osp - at m00 move z axis and restart program


Jan 1, 2012
Savannah, Georgia, USA
I have a 10" long .093 gun drill and it is running out. I need to stop above the hole at an m00 and guide the drill into the pilot and restart. This an MU6300 multi axis Okuma OSP 300. I have tried mid auto but the z axis moves back out the hole on restart. I have tried P.-handle shift, but the z-zero is shifted by the amount I move z. If Haas and every old Fanuc can do this Okuma should also, right?


steve Austin
What does your code look like for that section and what line in particular are you doing a restart at?
I would just program it in.

G1 Z-.1 F5. (guide the drill in)

This, although you may need (M135?) to allow it to feed without the spindle rotating. Or you can just feed it in at a low rpm, 100-200, stop short of the bottom, turn on coolant, ramp up spindle rpm and then go for it.

That's how I deep hole drill on my M560 (OSP P300 control)
My understanding is the Z move is because it goes back a line or two on the restart. There might be a parameter for this, or you might be able to just input a restart line a few lines further down? Who supports you down that way? If it is Morris Midwest I've got an apps guy that can help you out.
