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VF4 head out of square?


Dec 27, 2019
Running a VF-4 with pallet changer. Face milling top surface of a part. Getting overlap steps. Problem almost certainly not my DOC/feed/speed/etc.. problem too drastic. Like... .005"+ I believe the machine needs to be leveled but also that the Z column is not squared to the table. Does anyone have any resources that detail how to adjust the machine into square? is there a gib on the column or something? thanks in advance.

Leveling - VMC

You will need a good, calibrated, graduated, 0.005"/ft level, a wrench, and a helper would be nice.
It is not too difficult, but can take an hour or two, depending on your machine, floor, and luck.

Level the table then sweep the spindle. The adjust for the spindle is to shim it. Typically vf4 and smaller rarely require shims.
Is your head out in the Y axis or X? Shimming should only be done once you know exactly where the error lies. My guess is the head crashed into something while the table was rappiding in X, which will require realinging the head casting on the Z axis blocks.
Hey all!

Sorry I havent replied.. i got the big rona and was out...

I followed the leveling procedure and the machine is now level with no bow or twist. (Thank you @doug925)

Sweeping the spindle on the table gives me a .030" difference from front to back, but the left and right are dead on.

I'm thinking this machine was crashed and shimming is the way to go. I just need to know where the shims go. Do they just slide in right under the mounting bolts where the spindle motor housing makes contact with the casting??

Is the surface you are sweeping coplanar with the X and Y axis travels? Is the Z axis travel perpendicular? You need to know exactly where the problem lies before fixing it. What diameter is your sweep?
