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Bridgeport speeds

Greg Selle

May 16, 2021
I can’t seem to understand how calculate speeds. I normal use HSS endmills. And materials I cut are normally aluminum and sometimes SS.
Machinery hand book list material recommended starting points for surface feet per minute and feed rates per tooth.


30 fpm / ( .5 end mill x .26179) = 229 rpm

(4 teeth x .002 feed per tooth)x 229 = 1.8 inches per minute

Assuming your cutting a slot in practice it’ll be less then that...
For hss in steel:

.500” - 500 rpm
1.000” - 250 rpm
.250” - 1000 rpm

Just do the ratio in your head. For aluminum triple it. For SS halve it. If you’re using uncoated carbide double the hss speed.
