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Compression Spring Machine


Jul 27, 2010
Columbus Ohio
I have recently acquired a compression spring making machine. It is 6 axis machine with 8 blades and 5mm wire maximum. Does anyone have any sort of tutorial or introductory video or anything that can help my machinists learn how to operate this machine faster? They are working with it now but I am looking for something they can watch or read outside of work to be a step ahead when they get to the machine. Any help or reference would be appreciated.
Since I am one of those unrepentant former Union workingmen who were given training on company time, why are you not asking if there is any training material your workers can use AT WORK learning to use your new machine?

I know that employers require you to have this and that knowledge to GET the job. To require them to learn to run YOUR new machine on their off time seems, to me, to be extreme greed. "I don't want to pay them to learn to run my new machine, with which I will make more money."

I will be interested to hear responses to both your and my posts. I think most of the Owners will feel it is their duty to train employees on new machines, at their own expense.



Oh, yes, ask "Joe the springmaker" for help. Do a search to find him. He has posted here.
He is in China. Exporting machinery and knowledge.
Of course they can study at night in the dormitory.

So your outdated standards no longer apply in a "World Market".

He SAYS he is in Ohio. But you may be right.

Anyplace I have worked (Union), a new machine or new controller was brought in, classes were scheduled. ON Company time. PAID. I have had MUCH training, ON the Company teat, in my case, not to brag, since my last place of employment was a little less technical than the place that shut down and made me go there, I most likely could have conducted the class.

BUT, the Corp paid me to learn what I had schooled in 30 years before.

OP wants some dope on his machine to give his employees to learn the ropes off the clock. I don't accept that. You may take college level courses on your own time, on your own, or employer assisted, to try to advance yourself.

To look for info to throw to the employees and tell them "Here's the Info. Take a few days off and learn HOW to run this machine that will make ME LOTS of money."

Is that the ultimate in greedy owners or what? "I won't pay you to learn to run this USED machine (a NEW machine would come with all the info you need), so IF I can find something, you can spend all your free time learning to run it."

Screw you. One more JO I would not work for, and there are a LOT of them.


George the Vanguard!

G ; this is the part that set me off.
Does anyone have any sort of tutorial or introductory video or anything that can help
my machinists learn how to operate this machine fa$ter?
to operate this machine fa$ter

Some,one designed this machine, AND very likely made it to run
at the best possible Clip!

How arogant and condecending ........... Not to mention
pure gold-plated greed.

He can ki$$ my a$$ too.
