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Older Haas spindle stop not recognized

Bruce Mowbray

Jun 30, 2008
I have an older Haas VF1 with the shot pin spindle orientation. My problem is that when doing a tool change at speeds over 2500 RPM, the shot pin tries to engage before the spindle comes to a stop and the "Tommy Gun" noise happens. I watched the diagnostic page and the orientation is started before the spindle stops. What senses that the spindle is stopped, or, is there a delay time setting that needs to be set higher or lower? I know this all has to happen in sequence but something is out.
Thanks in advance

Bruce Mowbray
1993 Haas VF1
On my '91 there is a signal from the spindle drive that gives a spindle at speed output. Mine does not work but there is a parameter to bypass the at speed signal after a set time. I do not remember the number but it is in the parameter list.
Older machines, just like a long-time wedded spouse, sometimes develop foibles that are easier to adjust to than to fix.

For your case, just add a "S1100" somewhere before your tool change opp, and let it be. When that workaround finally stops being effective, by then you'll have a list of problems to go through all at once.
I am happy to post that I figured out my problem. It was parameter 57 common switch #14 NONINV SPINDLE STOP – Non-inverted spindle stopped status. My question now is, what exactly does this mean other than the control does not recognize that the spindle is still turning while throwing out the spindle orientation shot pin? I figured this out by going through every parameter and switch value and comparing it to my original machine setting notes that I jotted down when the machine was brand new almost 30 years ago. If your machine is running the way it's supposed to, do yourself a favor and write down your settings, switches, and parameter values. It may save you a bunch of time.

Thanks anyway. Great site that encourages thought!
Non-inverted spindle stopped status. - A digital output that would normally be a 1 when active and 0 when not. Some parameters are inverted where a 0 means active.
