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Rotation and Scaling


Jul 6, 2016
Looking for help with a rotation question , VF3ss with NGC and a renishaw probe system,
how do you go about using the probe to set your rotation on a casting when your not probing the exterior of a rectangle block as shown in most videos online, i am looking to write this probe cycle at the beginning of each cycle. i have an inside corner for probing and the origin is a 2" bore a few inches away. please see image, thanks for the help ROTATION QUESTION.jpg
you'll need to do a little math, but probe the bore to find your G54 origin. Probe 2 points on the "X" wall to define a line. Then probe 2 points on the "Y" wall to establish a second line. Now calculate the intersection of those 2 lines.

Take the theoretical intersection point and calculate the angle from origin. Take the actual point and calculate that angle. Subtract the 2 and that is your G68 R value.
