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the beginning of change...?

jim davies

Dec 25, 2003
BC Canada
One of the most interesting and, maybe, hopeful signs of the future being seen clearly is at:


To me, it is interesting both because a member of the financial establishment is pontificating a problem and also this, at the end of the article:
Some older CEOs and board members at least listen to him sympathetically. "They have grandchildren," he says. "They wonder too what's going to happen to our grandchildren. You can't get a vote around the corporate board table about, Is this good for the grandchildren? But you can talk to them and they'll worry about it and say, Well, maybe we need to do something."
We can only hope and pray these clear thinking CEO's can get the ear of Congress and others Hell-bent on selling our life style away.
No one has said to us: 'You're probably a little too rich and these other folks are a little too poor. Why don't we even it out?'
The purpose of the IMF is to tranfer wealth from the rich nations (AKA 'developed nations'.AKA: USA, Canada, European, Australia. AKA:White people) to the third world or 'developing nations'. So I would disagree with the statement that 'no one has said to us' that we are too rich. The marxist culturalist/ socialists have said it plenty times.

But the rapid improvements in those two nations during the past decade, Gomory thinks, are putting the United States in the bind where their gain becomes our loss.
Of course. It is a transfer of wealth much more than it is a building of wealth.

First, the US government must intervene unilaterally to cap the nation's swollen trade deficit and force it to shrink until balanced trade is achieved with our trading partners.
The US government will do nothing. The people in government want to destroy the USA. Especially ones like Hillary. She hates the USA.
You are full of sh1t

You Conviently forget the plunder of wealth and resources by western nations during and after colonialism.Even to this day western Multinations with the aid of their governments install and or support puppets tryants in poor/weak nations so they can plunder the resources.

The IMF and World bank lend money to despots in poor countries then demand the money back from the poor citizens.Since this is impossible and they well know it, they force the nations to give up control and ownership of their resoruces to Western Multinationls.Not to mention forcing the poor nations to enact all kinds of trade and economic laws that further screws them.

You don't even have to look at non white nations for this.Take Argentina and how the IMF totally screwed them over. BTW ADM, I am sure you know all about Argentina and Nazis.

That big priceless rock, the Kohinoor diamond on the English crown, guess where that was stolen from. Kohinoor is a place in Southern India.

Lets not forget De Beers and the diamond merchants (thieves) in the west.
The US government will do nothing. The people in government want to destroy the USA. Especially ones like Hillary. She hates the USA.
You had me until this tidbit.
What have those those folks in white hats who have run the country for the past 1-1/2 election cycles done to keep us a wealthy and sovereign nation?
The borders are more porous than ever, the trade imbalance, especially to Communist Red China has skyrocketed and you dare try scaring us with this Clear Channel clap-trap?

Neither party seems to give a rats arse about this country anymore. It's all about power and pay-offs when (or should I say 'if') their terms end.
"Especially ones like Hillary."

You forgot to call the speaker of the house
a "hag."

Amazing how much can laid at the doorstep
of one party, after the other one has had
complete control of all three branches
of government for about seven years.

Yes folks in government are plotting to destroy
the US. Yes they've been doing this for about
seven years now.


I would say its not just Hillary who hates the US but even the Bushes and other select high ranking 'Americans'. These folks IMHO have no allegiance to any country but only to their 1 world clique.

Hillary is not at the forefront of the NAU, though if she was president she would support it too.Makes no major difference if we get Bush or Clinton.The difference would be minor but the long term path for Americans and humanity would be same from both party elites.

Unless we get someone like Ron Paul as president, I am under no delusion that the long term future of Americans has even the slightest chance for major change.

IMHO Neither Bush nor Hillary are 'Americans', they are globalist 1 worlders.
Why you say they hate USA? Why they, Hillary,Bush and the rest of the gang would like to destroy USA? Will they live in the moon? Or in Bangladesh?
I declare myself ignorant.
By destroying the US they can:

1) make a lot of money for themselves.

2) amass a great deal of personal power.

3) advance the agendas of powerful groups who
have paid to install them in office.

Unless we get someone like Ron Paul as president, I am under no delusion that the long term future of Americans has even the slightest chance for major change.
Wow, you better get someone as Comandante Chavez for president.Oops sorry I forgot he is a commi

Jim, who are they?

I look at Chavez as reversing the sellout of his country's resources to multinationals & the Venezuelan elite.

Many countries have had corrupt and or incompetent puppet rulers that allowed foreign predators to pillage their country's resources. Look at Russia when Yeltsin was leader, Russian Oligarhs with the help of Western banks,corps and elite pillaged Russia's wealth. Putin came in and put the brakes to this. Now I am not agreeing or condoning everything Putin does but he does seem to look out for Russia against international predators.
Durin Yeltsin Anglo-Dutch Shell made lopsided sweetheart deals for fossil fuels on Sakhalin island.Recently the Russian gov stated in no uncertain terms that these deals were going to be re written. Chavez has done the same thing.Bolivia and Eucador following close behind.

Recent news
Russia launches new generation of nuclear subs.


"Russia's attack submarines fulfil the function of preventing the United States's freedom of action at sea," said Ivan Safranchuk, head of the World Security Institute's Moscow office"
Who are the powerful groups who promoted
bush into the white house?

Neoconservatives mostly.

Granted there have been a huge number of
special interests who are getting payback for
contributing to his campaigns, but the
neocons are some of the worst.

William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz (remember him,
he's getting the 'ol heave-ho from the world
bank right now) Dick Cheney, etc. are the
folks who have convinced our adminstration to
become mired in the Iraq war.

Step one: lie about what's going on. Wolfowitz
made the now-famous statement that "if there is
a ten percent chance that iraq might have been
involved in planning the WTC attacks, we should
invade that country."

Step two, convice the american people that there
are dangerous WMD in Iraq and that we need to
spend two trillion dollars on a war to find them.
Still looking. Still spending money on a war
we don't need, that only makes things worse.
Like drunken sailors, that's how fast were
spending money. That we don't have.

Step three, tell folks the war will last about
a month. And fire all the military advisors,
and CIA folks, who are telling the truth about
what's going on and what it will take to win
an insurgent war. We're still losing apparently.
They just blew up the parliment there. I
guess Paul Wolfowitz is too busy getting $200K
raises for his sweetie to pay attention.

Step four, pretend you know how to plan and fight
and win a war when you as a neocon chicken hawk
have never done ANY of those things in your life.

Step five, pass laws that allow the US government
to perfom illegal wiretapping of citizens, and
hire Abu Gonzales who's really bright idea is
to repeal the geneva conventions and then justify
torture even though most of the military field
commanders thing they should close Gitmo now.
Then keep Gonzales spinning around in circles
trying to form a coherent sentence when he
gets thrust in front of congress to explain just
what the HECK was going on in the Justice dept.
Don't worry Mr. G, Mr. Sampson is pretty good
at forming coherent sentences and most of them
right now contain words like "Gonzales was lying"
and "Karl Rove." Maybe we can convince that
nice lady who resigned to stop saying "I take
the fifth" if we grant her immunity from
prosecution? I bet she's have some good stories
to blurt out. Under oath.

Could somebody PLEASE explain to me why our
national foreign policy is being formulated by
a bunch of right-wing nut-job fruitcakes who
were never elected and can basically only
figure out the concept of "Manifest Destiny"
which worked pretty well about a thousand years
ago but right now is an unmitiaged disaster?

Oh that's right. Because they paid to get "their
man" elected into the white house.


giacomo28, we're just talking about our jobs and livelihood and the future of American manufacturing. That's all.
Spud writes:
You are full of sh1t
Typical foulmouthed faithless leftist posing as libertarian. Maybe you should pack your bags and move to Russia. You could spend your summers there while wintering in Venezuela. I'm sure Chavez would roll out the _red_ carpet for you.

Typical foulmouthed faithless leftist posing as libertarian. Maybe you should pack your bags and move to Russia. You could spend your summers there while wintering in Venezuela. I'm sure Chavez would roll out the _red_ carpet for you
Typical KKK/NEO-Nazi hugger. I sure don't see you counter any of ADM'S Nazi garbage but lo and behind as soon as I counter him, you bust a blood vessel.As for foul mouthed, ahem, how many people here have used the word sh1t, and ADM's grabage is infinetly more foul but you defending him shows your true colours.

Why the hell should I move anywhere. Thats like telling folks who fought for civil liberties,human rights and against MaCarthyism that they should move elsehwere.

You would love it wouldn't you if all dissenters in this country just left and let the lunatics run the assylum.
With your recent posts you have proven that you are a buffoon. You sit here in America and greedily sponge up all it's benefits while running it in the ground. You are the worst kind of hypocrite, spouting that you only care for your fellow man.
Sell everything you own and give the money to some third world person. Move to a third world and use all your vast knowledge to improve it's standard of living. You won't do either one, you'll sit back and enjoy America's fruits while critizing it. You are the one who is full of BS.
I also find it amusing that EVERY TIME some one disagrees with you label them a racist, bigot nazi,right wing warmonger, KKK card holder.

Those neo-cons you love to whine are about aren't much different than those liberals you love.

You have railed in the past about Mexican migrant workers yet you then bemoan about China's human rights violations, nothing but Crocodile tears.Am I to believe that somehow you care about the Chinese but not the Mexicans? You don't give a rats arse about the Chinese or Mexicans or Poor and Indigenous Venezuelans.

You are just a schrewder version of ADM.
Schrewd because you know that now-a-days its self defeating to talk openly like past generations.
It was you who linked to that American Patrol article.A website that is classified as a hate group by the SPLC and Anti Defamation League.I don't mean to say that the SPLC and ADL are deciders as to what is and isn't a hate group but anyone can spend time over at AmericanPatrol and see for themselves.

You have been railing about Mexicans speaking Spanish and bringing their identity here yet your avartar was the Welsh flag. If a Mexican American PM member displayed the Mexican flag, you would start a mini riot.

Where were you when ADM stated that Japanese were 40% white, insinuating that the Japanese were only rich and tech advanced due to 40% white genes.

I figured you for the supremacist type long ago but out of respect for D and PM kept quiet cause this is a Machining forum.One can only keep mum for soo long. I am not the first 1 here to point out your Xenophobic attitude.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..
According to you, the KKK tag can never be used or you will say its the left's way to stop all arguments.I am not for throwing it out willy nilly but you are on the other extreme and can't stand it being used even when it fits. What you expect me to think if someone takes issue with me for countering ADM's mentality.

I have certain ideals of right and wrong.Imperialism,Bullying,Colonialism & destruction of one's culture is evil in my book.Ripping off other people's resources through war and puppet leaders is wrong.

I ain't and never have sponged of any gov. benefits.I could but don't want to. Only sponging off my family until I get on my feet in which case I will pay them back.My parents are elderly and I do take care of them.

I am not criticising America, I am critical of *some* of the government's Policies.Don't make it out to seem that anyone critical of government policy is directly an America hater.Thats like the BS the Pro Iraq war folks tried to pull when people were against the Iraq war.Anti war folks were immediately deemed to be be pro Saddam. Even now Cheney and other Bu****es allude that if you are against the war and Patriot act then you are pro terrorist.

So you think anyone criticising the government's policy should just move?Guess that would mean all the Anti Clinton folks in the 90s shoulda moved.

There is no freedom without dissent.
Who ever said I like any of those people you mentioned, I tolerate him and their customs as long as they respect mine. The Welsh assimilatied into America, the new wave of Mexicans has not.
Americans who believe in legal immigrantiona are now a hate group? You need to look in-depth at the ADL.
I would not start a riot because of an avatar but I would when said Mexician wants to the flag flown next to the US post office downtown because he feels offended.
You seem to forget that the eastern and middle -eastern cultures practiced a very harsh form of colonialism.
Please provide proof that ADM is a KKK member.
I believe you said you lived in the mid-east for a number of years, according to your standards this should allow me to classify you as a muslim terrorist.
I criticize the government all the time but I don't believe in your leftist uptopia non-sense.
You blame white America for all the world's ills,
You need to look at what white America has doe to pull up the rest of the world.
Are you outraged that the the fact that the AJA wants to make the shooter in Virginia sound white
and not reveal his true indentity.
This is the kind of stuff I am against, I am not
afraid or ashamed to admit I'm an American.
"neo-cons you love to whine about..."

OldDude I'll make a deal with you. You take
over paying my share of the


that the neocons have you and me on the hook
for, and I'll STFU about their antics.

If you think that there's any equivalent
to neoconservatives on the other side of the
fence, I'm all ears. Certainly since the
folks on the red side of the fence have been
running the show here for the past seven years.

Saying "oh they're all the same" is the most
common idiotic tactic when republicans are
confronted with waste, greed, crookedness, lying,
and lawbreaking by their OWN party.

It's apologizing for the destruction of american
values that has been perpetrated by the present
administration. That is unconscionable IMO.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why
ANY member of the republican party worth his
salt is not simply besides himself when he
hears about the shenanigans going on today.

Today the most often stated phrase by those
officials is "I take the fifth amendment." You
need a friggin SCORE CARD to figure out which
scandal is going on at any given time, and which
crook is involved.


The list is endless and at the bottom of
every disaster is the overall degradation
of the american economy and civil rights for
ALL americans.

Why do YOU feel so warm fuzzy and comfortable
about two trillion dollars of debt being racked
up by crooks, while at the same time they are
destroying the US constitution?






Sorry. Nobody buys that canal water anymore.
Don't bother trying to dish it out here again.
Do you have any IDEA how much money two trillion
dollars is?

