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The true cost of Free Trade

So, we're supposed to listen to Bernie Saunders-who now calls himself an "Independent", after running as a Socialist for most of his career-on free trade? Fat chance-it's like asking Dr. Kevorkian his opinion on life extension.

Believe me, I am personally seeing the effects of the current trade situation-I have lost two jobs in the past two years, as a direct result of my job moving overseas-first one to Mexico, second one to China-but it isn't the result of free trade, but the result of subsidies in the countries that the jobs are going to, and trade RESTRICTIONS, both in those countries and in America.

I believe in free trade-unswervingly, and with good reasons, because I also understand both the economic reasons, and the historical realities of it. Demagogues like Sanders either do not, or, if they do, are lying about it.

We restricted free trade before, in this country-the Smoot-Hawley tariffs of the 1930's. They were put into place just as the economy of this country was showing signs of life after the Depression; the results were to both deepen and prolong it-until WWII came along and changed the whole economic picture.

Those who refuse to learn from the lessons of history will inevitably propose the same failed "solutions"; the fact that Socialist Bernie doesn't understand basic economics shouldn't come as any surprise; that is what caused the collapse of socialism in the rest of the world.

If you want to discuss the real reasons of the economic and labor problems we are currently suffering, I'm more than willing; I know a thing or two, and have had time to think about it<g>. But, if all you can do is reference the political press releases of a socialist politician, then you aren't even prepared to begin the discussion.
