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Alarm 217 and 205 on a ST25ATC T3


Hot Rolled
Feb 23, 2015
Sweden Östersund
I am trying to help a French guy who bought a ST30ATC T3 and he cant get milling to work.
If he tries to start milling motor manually or by program he get alarm 217.
217 means that machine is not ready to start motor.
The milling motor is controled by a freqrol K3 and it has 1 power led and 5 alarm leds, the power led is lit and no alarm led is lit.
216 is the same alarm as 217 but for main spindle and has the same requirements so we did make sure he could start main spindle and that was not a problem.

After trying everything I could think of we tested to "jog" milling spindle, the jog button overides all requirement for starting motor as chuck close etc.
The "jog" button gave him alarm 205, alarm 205 is milling control throwing an alarm.
Freqrol K3 now has a OCT (Overcurrent trip) alarm lit.

Anyone have a problem like this before?
I think he has a problem with his Freqrol K3, milling motor or maybe the motor cables.
