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Need some programming help


Cast Iron
Feb 3, 2007
Joplin, MO
I am trying to program a radius on the face of a 9/16 hex bolt. The radius is .660. I keep getting a reverse shape contour alarm. I have not done a radius bigger than the end of the part radius before, just need to get these done.
Are you trying to use the radius/champfer option at the beginning of your program line. Because that will not work.

You need to select the Third option from the left hand of your screen in you your line selection. 1st one is "line" 2nd one is a tapper "tpr" the 3rd one shows a half circle that will the unit you need to select to program your radius.
your program will look something like this.

radius symbol champfer/ radius then you will have your

start point X .000 start point Z.000 End point X.625 end point Z ? then a space then a .660 for your cutting radius end of line

Take note that is for a nexus control.

What control do you have?
The radius is on the hex end.

I have a T2 control. How did you get the end point X of .625? I check .650 over the points of the hex.
Is there anything in the chamfer/radius spot? Do you need to tell it where the center point of the radius is?

Yes you are correct I was not thinking about it being hex. you should use the height over the points at the .650

No you will not need anything in the champer/radius spot.

The start point of X .000 and the Z.000 will be the center point. And the final z point the machine can auto select with the rest of the infoormation.
Thanks for your time racen87.

I put all the information in as you decribed with the machine figuring for final z point and it comes back with automatic determination impossible.

I tried several other variations also. I have set all my material max sizes to .660 to try and help with the calculating to no avail.

Thanks for your time racen87.

I put all the information in as you decribed with the machine figuring for final z point and it comes back with automatic determination impossible.

I tried several other variations also. I have set all my material max sizes to .660 to try and help with the calculating to no avail.

Put max material back to normal.

Go back and put a ? in final Z dim.

For a T-2 control, you need to add a 'RADIUS CENTER' line below the convex radius line (the numbers will be in a red font color). This tells the control the center point location and which ends of the radius you want to select. This will be X0, Z.660, radius value .660, then add a --> direction arrow in second field for end point. Right soft key, calculate. This will auto calc the radius endpoint.

Then add a LIN segment afterward with X.650, Z (part length).

As an experiment with the radius calc feature, if you change the arrow to <--, you will get a trailer hitch ball shape as the control calculates for the second possible endpoint of the radius on the same X .650" line, provided you have the start point X with enough stock to cut the sphere (1.32" dia or bigger).
Phil thanks for the information.

I think I input all the information in the right spots, but it didn't work.

Here is what I put in the control:

PNO 4 BAR OUT CPT-X .660 CPT-Z 0 DEPTH .030 RT 3-1 FT 1-1

SEQ 1 SHP CONVEX SPT-X 0 SPT-Z 0 FPT-X .660 FPT-Z .0884 RAD .660 SRF 7 SEQ 2 SHP CTR SPT-X 0 SPT-Z -.660 SRF -->

The FPT-Z of .0884 is what the control figured, which is farther than I had gotten, so we're making progress.

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Ok, this is a strange one for me too. This does not work on my T-3 control either. The auto calc is rounding off to nearest .0001" (as expected), but machine does not like it.

Manually add .0001" to final Z point (.0884" make it .0885") and it will work fine.

The trailer ball example calculates and draws up fine though.

I have had difficulties inputting end points from CAD and machine not liking it but not seen it on machine calc before. Again, the fix usually involves adjusting the end point of the arc .0001" in one direction or another to get it to work. Not sure if this is a parameter setting or not, but I do not see it get grumpy very often.
Thanks. Moving the z -.0001 worked. How did you ever think of that?
I will get these parts out this weekend.
Thanks again.
Thanks. Moving the z -.0001 worked. How did you ever think of that?
I will get these parts out this weekend.
Thanks again.

You're Welcome. :)

I had to learn this when inputting CAD points on complex geometry. Easier to draw up certain features on CAD and just type in the end points with the older controls. Newer Mazak controllers have more powerful onboard calculators for intersecting two arcs and such.

The machine does not like geometry that wraps back on itself and will throw a fit. The control only accepts a 4 place decimal, but will calculate what geometry is perfect out many more decimal places. Moving the endpoint by .0001" allows the control to be happy, but a perfectly tangent intersection is not possible at only 4 decimal places. So as a workaround, you move error to the 'other side' of perfect.

To exaggerate the effect of the non-tangent radius, move the calculated endpoint to Z 0.5". You will see a bullet shape as the tip radius is not tangent on each side of centerline, but machine is happy as the Z values all are in the negative direction. The original calculated Z value, the control rounded off the calculated Z endpoint in the +Z direction, which made the resulting geometry have a tiny depression at X0 like a belly button (opposite the bullet shape) and that is what caused the error as a BAR OUT process will not move in -Z and +Z direction on same process.
Again thank you Phil.

I have not worked much with any CAD or CAM softwares yet. I had the first two lines of code right at one point, but changed it when it wouldn't calulate. I would never have thought to just round up, but your explaination makes perfect since why it would work. Next time I will remember that.

