Episode 29: How Networking Can Help You Grow Your Machining Business

August 12, 2021 8:23 am


Networking is fundamental to find new customers and get new jobs. In this episode, Ian shares his networking experience and tips to maximize your efforts.

In the metalworking industry, like in any other industry, being connected and building solid relationships is key to run a successful business. Marketing and advertising are definitely great tools to build awareness and expose your shop’s capabilities but connecting with the right person and creating a solid a strong relationship with people that can help you find customers or negotiate deals with vendors is really the secret weapon to build a thriving machine shop. Ian knows it well and in this episode, he discusses the benefits of creating long-lasting relationships within your industry, as well some of the tactics that can help you succeed in your networking endeavors.

Are you successful at networking and did it bring results to your shop’s business? Share your networking experience and tips in the comments and stay tuned for more videos!

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