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Finding 'hours' on Fanuc OM control ?


Staff member
Dec 15, 2000
Looking for machine run time on 1995 vintage Fanuc OM and amazed I can't find it. Looked thru all the obvious parameters, and nada, zilch. Easy to find on Fanuc 18, 21, etc but what's the secret to 'O' controls ? :confused:
Try page 2 of diagnose/parameter. Run time/number of parts display and clock function are options, according to my manual. Mine is an OM-C I bought new in 91.
Date/time/hours run is also an option parameter, the options there it just has to be turned on in some cases.
What a bunch of crap, that something as simple as hours should be an OPTION?? Talk about a company after your jugular. I have a Fanuc 21T, and the hours are right there. NOW I frankly don't believe them. Three years after buying the lathe brand new, it indicated around 200 hours cut time with around 1200 hours of scratching your head time. I'm sure I ran way more hours than that. But who knows. Within that two hundred hours of cut time my spindle bearings had the grease washed out with coolant. Cool huh?
Two years later, another machine with Fanuc O..this time a OT. Page 2 of diag parameters has 1735 hours total run hours. Could it really be that low on a 1996 turning center or could that be the hours one program ran ??
You can't rely on that value. Clearing the control's memory and reloading parameters (or for that matter replacing the "memory board" :mad: ) will result in this value going to zero.
VSMI, so if the memory wasn't cleared then that number is supposed to be the total machine run hours ?


[ 06-07-2007, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Milacron ]
On my OTC I change the part total every year. Prm 779. And run time can be changed to zero by POS then R cancel (for run time) P cancel (for part count).
This is on a Hardinge CHNCI.
Yup, IMHO you can't believe any machine that has the hour meter in the control. You can just play with some parameters or clear the memory and tell it whatever you want. I like the machines with the analog meter in the back of the machine. I saw some Mori's that had that not to long ago. I am sure you can still mess with it, it's just a lot harder. Then it's like rolling back an odometer on a car....

I like to clear my run time meters at the beginning of a new calendar year. That way I know how much we have ran it in the last year without having to look it up in the shop management software, which is not as accurate.

As for options, if you don't like the options on the control, look at the machine tool builder, don't hate on Fanuc. They'll give the builder anything they want. If the builder doesn't want to pay the extra fee to turn on the worthless hour meter, then so be it....the only thing that annoys me is IF they want an extra $1000 for the hour meter. I can understand something like Macro B, or helical interp, but don't over charge for the little features. They have to know that some of their "options" are pretty much worthless and should be almost given away with a standard control.

Just my 2 cents.
