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boring FL reloading die to make a body die

I could just buy a Redding FL die and have the neck bored, by a forum member. That would be cheaper. As long as it's within the US.
no, that's a neck expander... I need a Redding Body die, it sizes the case head, body, but doesn't touch the neck
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no, that's a neck expander... I need a Redding Body die, it sizes the case head, body, but doesn't touch the neck
OK, Now I understand what you are trying to do. You just want to enlarge the area where the neck would normally be reformed. Even making it over sized is fine as it only needs to be larger.

Just buy a solid carbide drill bit that is larger than the neck. Carbide will be able to drill through the hardened material. I would recommend a drill press but you may be able to hold it with wood strips in a vise, and use a hand held drill if that is all you have.
Yeah I heard about a carbide drill. I see a Redding three die set on Gunbroker for like 175, body, bushing neck sizer, and standard seater.

Just bought the set.... Glad I did. I like thier standard seaters. I compared them with Forster chamber sleeve seaters, and believe it or not, concentricity was a little better than Forsters.
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yeah I hear that... I gave up on it and bought a three die set with the body die. On a body die I'm assuming the top end is bored then chambering the bottom end second.
If it's case hardened, it's likely just the skin. I'd be surprised if a standard HSS reamer wouldn't bust through it without any major issues. Might need touching up afterwards for normal use.

I've opened up a couple by making a guide bushing to fit the body, with the ID bored concentric ... and the whole mess hauled over to the Sunnen hone...

Yeah... not remotely an option for the average home machinist.
Just because a piece is nicley CNC machined ,dont assume the elements are concentric,or co axial.
The Redding dies are pretty good if you measure them on the ends after that they can be all over the place.
Guy next shed was doing something to a small block Chev ,and dint have a deep enough socket .........so I says Ill drill out one of my cheap ($5 a box) deep impact sockets ........the socket took the flutes clean off a good HSS drill.
The guy I worked with borrowed my 14mm socket after he returned it my toolbox stank of weed. They used it as a makeshift weed pipe.
The guy I worked with borrowed my 14mm socket after he returned it my toolbox stank of weed. They used it as a makeshift weed pipe.
14mm would be huge. I've always seen 1/4 drive deep well used for that.

"Hey bud what's this sticky tar on your socket?"
