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  1. L

    LeBlond Round Head 19" Lathe

    Excellent information and I appreciate the response. I do have some experience with HSS, I started out on a craftsman 109 and formed 1/4" HSS blanks because that's all I could afford a the time. After that, I had two other lineshaft lathes and was unaware of the Carbide tooling requirements...
  2. L

    LeBlond Round Head 19" Lathe

    I have a crazy (probably dumb) idea I'd like to run by you. Since the bearings are roller bearing, and I'm assuming are much more resilient as compared to bronze or Babbitt bearings, What are your thoughts on installing a motor that is rated at 3600 RPM and double the max RPM of the spindle...
  3. L

    LeBlond Round Head 19" Lathe

    Thanks Joe! very helpful information.
  4. L

    LeBlond Round Head 19" Lathe

    Hey All, Just picked up a Series 1 Bridgeport with the 2J head and the guy threw in a LeBlond Regal Lathe for free! Seems to be a huge upgrade to my Rockford Economy line shaft lathe. I have a few questions regarding the lathe. Here is what I know about it: 19" Swing, L0 spindle mount...