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Global Warming and IC Manufacture


Apr 11, 2006
An article which discusses the processes of making ICs, especially modeling vapor deposition processes and their relationship to current "global warming" models.

"Global warming theory is a prediction based on complex mathematical models developed to explain the dynamics of the atmosphere. These models must account for a myriad of factors, and the resultant equations are so complex they cannot be solved explicitly or "analytically" but rather their solutions must be approximated "numerically" with computers."

"Although based on scientific "first principles", complex numerical models inevitably require simplifications, judgment calls, and correction factors. These subjective measures may be entirely acceptable so long as the model matches the available data -- acceptable because the model is not intended to be internally consistent with all the laws of physics and chemistry, but rather to serve as an expedient means to anticipate behavior of the system in the future. However, problems can arise when R&D funding mechanisms inevitably "reward" exaggerated and alarming claims for the accuracy and implications of these models."


"A much better analogue to climate science is found in the semiconductor industry. Integrated circuits and many other building blocks of modern electronics are manufactured by creating artificial atmospheres or "climates" within which chemical vapor deposition (CVD) forms nanometer-scale thin solid films on silicon wafer surfaces. In CVD, metal vapor precursors entrained in carrier gases are used to deposit metal films on surfaces in a condensation process not unlike formation of dew or frost on a lawn. In such CVD processes, premature formation of metal particles is unwanted and needs to be controlled and prevented; such particle formation is akin to precipitation of rain drops in the atmosphere

The semiconductor process industry uses numerical models to predict the behavior of gases and vapors in order to deposit these substances on substrates, and thereby manufacture integrated circuits. I am not a climatologist or meteorologist but I have studied fluid mechanics and gasdynamics and have a general understanding of computer models used in process engineering. Such models are used to analyze industrial processes with which I am familiar."

"Almost all semiconductor manufacturing processes occur in closed vessels. This permits the engineers to precisely control the input chemicals (gases) and the pressure, temperature, etc. with high degree of precision and reliability. Closed systems are also much easier to model as compared to systems open to the atmosphere (that should tell us something already). Computer models are used to inform the engineering team as the design the shape, temperature ramp, flow rates, etc, etc, (i.e. the thermodynamics) of the new reactor.

Nonetheless, despite the fact that 1) the chemical reactions are highly studied, 2) there exists extensive experience with similar reactors, much of it recorded in the open literature, 3) the input gases and materials are of high and known purity, and 4) the process is controlled with incredible precision, the predictions of the models are often wrong, requiring that the reactor be adjusted empirically to produce the desired product with quality and reliability.

The fact that these artificial "climates" are closed systems far simpler than the global climate, have the advantage of the experimental method, and are subject to precise controls, and yet are frequently wrong, should lend some humility to those who make grand predictions about the future of the earth's atmosphere.

So serious are the problems, sometimes, that it is not unheard of for an experimental reactor to be scrapped entirely in favor of starting from scratch in designing the process and equipment. Often a design adjustment predicted to improve performance actually does the opposite. This does not mean that process models are useless, for they undergird the engineer's understanding of what is happening in the process and help him or her make adjustments to fix the problem. But it means that they cannot be relied upon by themselves to predict results. These new adjustments and related information are then used to improve the models for future use in a step by step process tested time and again against experimental reality.

In actuality, the semiconductor industry is well familiar with the limits of process modeling and would never make a decision to purchase equipment or adjust their manufacturing processes based on predictions derived from models alone. They would rightly expect extensive experimental data to support such a decision in order to assure the ability to reliably and economically manufacture high quality materials and devices."


"While mankind cannot experiment on the global climate, these models can be used retroactively to see how well they "model" the past. The UN's 2001 Climate Change report distorted the historical record by eliminating the Medieval Warm Period in the famous "Hockey Stick Curve" which, by many accounts, unreasonably accentuated temperature rise in the 20th century. Such distortion of the historical data undercuts the credibility of the models themselves, since this is the only "experimental data" available for testing the fidelity of the models to the actual climate.

Why on earth would climate scientists "massage the data" to produce doomsday predictions? The answer requires looking at the rewards available to these researchers."

for the rest see...


I see the future, the Global Warming people will take control of the US and the world. We will all have nothing, no car, electric, no open fire, all in the name of global warming...

Well unless you are a global warminst, then use all you want, like algore...

think of the children...
"resultant equations are so complex they cannot be solved explicitly or "analytically" but rather
their solutions must be approximated "numerically" with computers." "

Gene if you are saying that non-analytic
solutions to mathematical problems are somehow
inferior or wrong then you are on very thin
ice. There are precious few real-world
problems that can be solved analytically in
closed form.

Consider weather forecasting: one of the
prime examples of complicated non-analytic
problems that can now be solved much more
acurately since computation power has increased
so much. There are very few examples of
computers acually affecting folks lives
in a beneficial way - and weather forecasting
is one of them. All of those forecasts are
numerical approximations which are highly

Also the scheduling abilities for modern
commerce. They can't ship stuff from china
to walmart without computers these days.

its only a question, but, how much of the already proven heating of the earth, melting of the icecaps etc is part of a natural freeze thaw cycle, we already know the earths climate has changed numerous times in the past, are we observing a natural phenomena? ok maybe not i dont know, i know that massive changes in the earths magnetic feild are due also, pole switch, is due, that sounds bloody frightening also,
interesting questions mark, but I'm pretty sure you won't find the answers here. Apart from a few sage folks, it's Mostly a bunch of hot air blowing around here...
From the Denver Post newspaper this week.

"2007-03-04...Washington - By 2020, the United States will emit almost one-fifth more gases that lead to global warming than it did in 2000, increasing the risks of drought and scarce water supplies. That projection comes from an internal draft report from the Bush administration that is more than a year overdue..."

We really don't have to worry about the accuracy of computer models forcasting global warming, nor could we expect the rest of the world to reduce theirs by 2025.

Looks like we can concentrate on accurate tabulation of real data and just wait to see if anything changes!
Gene if you are saying that non-analytic
solutions to mathematical problems are somehow
inferior or wrong then you are on very thin
ice. There are precious few real-world
problems that can be solved analytically in
closed form.
*sigh* - we hope that the "models" are calibrated against experimental data.

Thanks for the exposition - one of my minors was in numerical analysis. You're correct even if your point was not the one that the article was trying to make.

Apart from a few sage folks, it's Mostly a bunch of hot air blowing around here...
Part of my Lenten commitment was to refrain from "flame" posts. So rather than calling your a CNN zombie or a left wing reactionary who takes their marching orders from NPR I'll do your heavy lifting for you this evening. It's my treat....

We all know that the truth is relative, a matter of a particular "frame of reference" and "operational definitions" of the person.

As such the experience of IC manufacturers does not necessarily pertain to the travails of climate modelers. A comparison of the two scenarios, while showing striking parallels, is like comparing apples and oranges.

So the IC manufacturers have to adjust their models to match observed experimental data? Their time horizons are short and the consequences are simply a loss of time and ultimately of profit. As such these concerns are trivial and transient.

In the case of Climate Change this course of action, of trying to calibrate the model with observed reality, would imply that we'd have to wait. If we're wrong disaster and death could follow any delay in implementing carbon neutrality and the use of closed Carbon Cycle energy forms!

One involves profit, the other people. We must not lose focus upon people!

The risk of doing nothing when disaster looms is simply too great! Even if we are wrong better to err on the side of caution!

Besides, capitalism is far too inefficient and irresponsible as system of production. Capitalism ignores the needs of the people. It has never nurtured or sustained Progress.

American Progressives are aware, caring and keenly aware of Progressive trends. We are capable of implementing a system of Central Planning which meets the needs of the People.

Anything that changes our capitalistic system towards a more enlightened and progressive system of production, including convincing people to surrender their "liberties" to a group of enlightened peoples who will plan in some sort of rational manner, will result in a system which is far superior to a Hayekian and chaotic system which rewards social Darwinism, patriarchicalism and chauvinism. Our system will reward compliance and will address the needs of all!

The benefits of an orderly system, coupled with an underpinning ethic of equality and social justice, is surely weightier than the minor issue of whether or not a model is actually based upon an observed and possibly parochial reality?

Thus, adopting the operational definitions of "Anthropogenic" global warming, even if the basic theory is suspect, is a prime example of the Ends justifying the Means. In a century who will remember that the Science was suspect if we can create an Egalitarian and Just Social Order?

Surely does not the Ends Justify the Means? A Progressive would agree and agree heartily. They'd lend a hand towards convincing the People that their lives are at stake - even if the science is suspect and ultimately shoddy. There are many other threats posed by capitalism, what is one more or less?

There, did I touch all of the hot buttons and give you the proper Progressive responses?

You're welcome, Anchorman.

"Part of my Lenten commitment was to refrain from "flame" posts."



I can't do emoticons so that's gonna
have to suffice for 'hair standing on end!'


I hope you'll agree that by doing Anchorman's work for him I have satisfied my penance. Thinking like a "Progressive" is painful for me.

its only a question, but, how much of the already proven heating of the earth, melting of the icecaps etc is part of a natural freeze thaw cycle, we already know the earths climate has changed numerous times in the past, are we observing a natural phenomena?
I don't know. I am not sure that anyone else knows either, even if they feel otherwise.

I suspect that if we re-embrace a spirit of scientific inquiry, and divorce science from political agendas to the greatest degree possible, that we'll have further understanding of the mechanisms of climate and weather.

I think climate research is a worthy pursuit.

I suspect that if we re-embrace a spirit of scientific inquiry, and divorce science from political agendas to the greatest degree possible, that we'll have further understanding of the mechanisms of climate and weather.
Sounds like a Global Warming Denier to me, seize him, hurry

Heres another view, how much global warming does the use of these IC chips cause? Maybe they should be banned for the Earths sake...
I don't have a scientific political agenda. I am not a climate scientist. I am not a communist. just interested in not trashing the place for the next guy...blah blah blah. I don't know where you get that idea that people who disagree with you have a political agenda. Then again I guess it's hard to be the "man in the know" and then have people question you from time to time.

I don't understand the hatred of progressives and the equation of progressives with those enamored by red soviet totalitarian communism. I also don't understand the blind worship of american capitalism. I'm all for a nice little free market economy. (that we will never have). The last thing capitalists want is a free market and competition. see rockefeller, microsoft, et. al. The first thing they do is try and squelch the competition.

Take that as you will gene, but I don't think your "progressively reasoned" post does much to fulfill your lenten promise. Sounds like you were lusting in your heart there... ;)

By the way jim, nice ascii drawing. It doesn't really do you justice as a self portrait (got to find a way to add more hair and a beard), but I recognized the artistic intent immediately :D .
I don't know where you get that idea that people who disagree with you have a political agenda. Then again I guess it's hard to be the "man in the know" and then have people question you from time to time.
The "hot air" comment says it all. Not "I don't agree" or "I do agree". Simply - "Not this again".

My citation of this article was a wonderful chance to showcase a professional engineer's opinion of "global warming" research, based upon his professional analysis of the limitations of fluid mechanics models in a professional setting.

The basic gist of which is that such models in a strictly controlled setting have distinct limitations. They are often wrong.

How can we therefore have strong confidence in models which are vastly more ambitious and which have vastly greater repercussions for the world, society and the US economy if they don't work in the "small" scale?

In other words we could treat IC manufacturing as a pilot study of the Global Warming model.

As an engineer, Anchorman, you ought to have an opinion about this article. You could have said, "Well, sometimes" or "It's apples and oranges".

"It's hot air" is a typical Progressive way of reframing the debate.

Oh, excuse me, the debate is now settled. The UN said so. Also strongly implies we have left the boundaries of scientific debate, but maybe that sentiment is a form of "logorhhea"?

just interested in not trashing the place for the next guy...blah blah blah.
Come on, Anchorman! You'd explicitly say so.

This article is highly germane to this forum. The article covers both a manufacturing process and a debate which will impact upon the cost of energy and the ability of energy intensive industries to set up shop in the US.

It's HIGHLY relevant here, even if it disagrees with the dogma of anthropogenic global warming.

" I also don't understand the blind worship of american capitalism. I'm all for a nice little free market economy. (that we will never have)."

Like that half dollar tarrif on brazilian
ethanol, from sugar cane, simply so the corn
lobby can get their product competitive in the
US market? <g>

Free for the corny guys, but not free for the
folks who have to buy fuel in this country.

Free for the lobbyists, but not free so we can
finally start towards energy independence in the
US. Corn doesn't work, you spend more energy
making a liter of corn-based ETOh than you do
when you burn it. Not so with the sugar
cane based stuff.

Why is there such a blind worship? Well, maybe
it's only the *illusion* of blind worship. Think
about it, who controls the radio, TV stations
these days? Clear Channel, Fox, etc. and they
all are paid to paint the picture of capitalism
above all.

The real story is on blogs and boards like these.

I don't understand the hatred of progressives and the equation of progressives with those enamored by red soviet totalitarian communism.
Its simple, liberals want big government. Let uncle sam take care of it for you. You think that the government know better than you, can spend your money better than you. If you ramp up big government you get the soviet union, Marxism, communism. Its whats preached today in the media, schools, ect. The whole green movement, green is the new red. Class warfare, taught in schools, shouted out by your liberal politicians.

about it, who controls the radio, TV stations
these days? Clear Channel, Fox, etc.
OK, I know a joke when I read one right, your pulling our leg here...

With anti-American media such as the NY Times, liberal media like CNN, CBS, NBC, ect, ect, ect. You can really think that one lowly network, FOX, is controlling the media blitz, come on...

Like that half dollar tarrif on brazilian
ethanol, from sugar cane, simply so the corn
lobby can get their product competitive in the
US market?
Yep, yet another bad joke on the American people, just another reason to have less government control in our lives.

Alcohol, isnt the answer to our energy needs anyway, it might be a temporary crutch. We just need some bright folks to come up with a better energy source
Its simple, liberals want big government. Let uncle sam take care of it for you. You think that the government know better than you, can spend your money better than you. If you ramp up big government you get the soviet union, Marxism, communism. Its whats preached today in the media, schools, ect. The whole green movement, green is the new red. Class warfare, taught in schools, shouted out by your liberal politicians.
actually it's not that simple at all. that is the problem. Vast oversimplification of everything. zero understanding of anything. Not you in particular, but people in general. Not going to get into the rest of that stuff because there is no point in arguing.
MR. Gene,

I was not arguing the merit of the article, infact it is kind of interesting. I was just pointing out the futility of arguing here over the magnetic poles shifting, or the actuality and causes of climate change...

P.S. thanks for the honorary degree

As an engineer, Anchorman, you ought to have an opinion about this article. You could have said, "Well, sometimes" or "It's apples and oranges".
Actually I am a sculptor by trade, but as a part of that I use my amatuer engineering and machining skills on occasion.
I agree with GeneH about this one. Just look at what is happening to Mars:

Mars Global Warming

"In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide "ice caps" near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row.

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the Mars data is evidence that the current global warming on Earth is being caused by changes in the sun.

"The long-term increase in solar irradiance is heating both Earth and Mars," he said."

And here is more:

Intimidate Dissent

"Scientists who dissent from the alarmism have seen their grant funds disappear, their work derided, and themselves libeled as industry stooges, scientific hacks or worse. Consequently, lies about climate change gain credence even when they fly in the face of the science that supposedly is their basis."

"Sadly, this is only the tip of a non-melting iceberg. In Europe, Henk Tennekes was dismissed as research director of the Royal Dutch Meteorological Society after questioning the scientific underpinnings of global warming. Aksel Winn-Nielsen, former director of the U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization, was tarred by Bert Bolin, first head of the IPCC, as a tool of the coal industry for questioning climate alarmism. Respected Italian professors Alfonso Sutera and Antonio Speranza disappeared from the debate in 1991, apparently losing climate-research funding for raising questions."

regardless of why it is happening, it is pretty evident that the earth is getting warmer on average, even W says so now. Regardless of the overall cause, I'm still willing to believe also that in general it is best to leave as little behind from whatever you do as possible. The waste heat and gasses, etc. from most power plants and oil refineries and all sorts of other operations is obscene. Would it really cost that much to try and recover and re-use? Probably will seem so, since the current american brand of market capitalism is so obsessed with the short term.

Europeans on average have arguably an equal or higher standard of living than americans on average, and they consume WAY less in order to do so. If you go strictly by consumption of resources per capita, our standard of living ought to trump everyone else in the world by a huge margin. If they are doing just fine using a fraction of the resources that we do, couldn't we, who are more inovative and smarter and better do better ourselves? No, probably not, it would violate the sacred cash-cow.
"If you ramp up big government you get the soviet union, Marxism, communism."

Tom1, be careful there. I would say, if you
ramp up big government, you get a two trillion
dollar war that nobody wants, the biggest budget
deficit in years (starting pretty much from
scratch) and the peculiar effect of 600 tons
of hundred dollar bills being airlifted to
a country for reasons that are a bit sketchy
from all accounts.

I would say that is the apex of big government.
Out-of-control spending of our tax dollars. This
one seems to have taken the cake and there were
not too many liberals involved in airlifting
that cash.

