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  • Good Morning Ballen,

    I had called Richard king asking about my Grinder and he sent me your way, i have a few questions if you wouldnt mine me taking up 10-15 minutes of your time sometime! im over in eastern US feel free to Shoot me an email, [email protected] i will happily send you my number as well!

    Thank you in advance, your log of all you did to your studer is a bible for me.
    Ihave the exact same RHU450 and will be scraping it this week, following along with your forum post as i go.
    Hi Ballen,
    I recently bought Jones and Shipman 1310 Cylindrical grinding machine, but it was without manual. I am not sure about how to swing the wheel head in order to bring id grinding wheel up front. Can you help me? Also do you have the manual for the same machine and are okay to share it?
    Hi saw you gave on manuals for Deckel Fp2,
    Maybe you could offer me those as well. They are hard to find.
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