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  • I've not found a manufcaturer/branding on mine yet.

    Anyway, I paid $2000 but what made me opt for this particular machine is it included a 6-tool turret. Meanwhile, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to send a photo via PM system. Just send me an email [email protected] and I'll respond with photos.

    Finally, which VFD did you use?
    Hi JB, congrats on the purchase of your "new to you" lathe! I do still have my lathe, however I never use it anymore and in fact haven't run a job in it for over three years. We use it now and then, but only to chuck a large c'sink in to deburr pieces by hand. I am in fact looking to get rid of it because the space would be great to have.
    I am curious to know what you paid for yours and if you have any pics? My lathe is a YAM for sure, and it is even labeled as such on the headstock. Phone calling for me is always difficult. There are only three of us here working and free time is hardly ever an option during the day. If you have any questions, fire away. I may be able to help, and can even send you some programs as samples if you need any help programming.

    Best Regards,
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