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  • Hello, I purchased the same machine. Pretty much the same condition, and am just turning it on. Your posts remind me of how I feel in getting this machine going.
    JD Lyles
    . I homed the machine, cleaned up all the tools and set my G54 offset but am having some questions about the Z offset. I purchased the Mastercam educational version as the MC post processor was originally sold with the machine but the MC people are having questions about the Z offset as well.
    JD Lyles
    Are you using the 6518 etc to set z or just the H (D) ? Still figuring out the Measurement buttons as well.

    I have about 20 programs in the control and am looking them over carefully but it looks like the old programmer was a Fanuc guy and its confusing the MC people.

    Anyway, I found a way to go through the tapereader port (cimco V6) as my rs232 was fried and I can use the computer to store large programs
    JD Lyles
    If you want to chat or facetime the startup let me know. I have the MC people meeting online with me tomorrow and hope to get past the safety line lol .
    Im in San Bernardino (Southern California) 661.434.7470 Jeff
    Thanks and have a great day
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