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Fanuc MGi and TNR Radius Machining Problems


Feb 18, 2018


Controller = Oi-TF PLUS

I am not supposed to use the wear offset radius to force my tool to cut exactly as I have programmed it but if I do not put a negative value in the wear radius offset then all my machined radius are out by the size of the tool geometry radius (Rad of insert).

I would not be so paranoid about it if I knew that the Wear Radius Offset did not have a limit (like the Geometry Offset Radius doesn't seem to have a limit) but with Wear Offset Radius the smallest number (to counter the Geometry number) that I can enter into Wear Offset Radius is -2.000 which means I cannot counter the Geometry Offset Radius with the Wear Offset Radius if the Geometry Radius (tool insert) is 2.1 or larger.

Help please?
Is this a parameter issue?
Virtual tip position (#3).
Tool Data General, Angle (95deg), Nose (80deg).
Touched Tool on pad @ H8=X & H7=Z
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I see where you are going with this my 5013 is set to 2.000 (max) so if I increase that value to say 2.5 then I should be able to put -2.5 in wear offset radius.

I still believe this isn't the correct way to do this but this is what works.

Edit: Yep that's what it has granted me, my gut says it's wrong but my brain says this works!

